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If there's an issue with the way the message looks then please open a topic. If you set a timeout it is intended to be a toast that slides away. If you don't set a timeout then it's modal and user has to confirm.

So far I have only tried the "got it" message.


It's taking me a while to get the code together, I appreciate the opportunity to open a topic for further development :)

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So far I have only tried the "got it" message.


It's taking me a while to get the code together, I appreciate the opportunity to open a topic for further development :)


Are you making this plugin work stand alone?  As in not specifically for home automation?  It would be nice to be able to send out "maintenance" messages to my users.  Maybe have a manual entry section in the plugin settings?

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Here is my first attempt at whole house audio with Amazon echo lol very beta here! Mostly testing for Bluetooth delays.


I am recieving a second echo in the mail soon.


That should help with my endeavour.


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Here is my first attempt at whole house audio with Amazon echo lol very beta here! Mostly testing for Bluetooth delays.


I am recieving a second echo in the mail soon.


That should help with my endeavour.


Do they have mic in the Bluetooth speaker? How will it work in room with no echo and barrier between person and Echo?
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That is pretty cool. I have a question for everyone.


Does anyone use sylvania lights with the philips hue?


@@chef, I got most my system running now. Nothing fancy as I only have emby and two philips hue white lights. I can't get Alexa to communicate with my home assistant install but I think that is because of windows. Looking to buy a raspberry pi this Friday and try. Even if that doesn't work a lot of the components for home assistant work better on pi way so not a total lose.

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That is pretty cool. I have a question for everyone.


Does anyone use sylvania lights with the philips hue?


@@chef, I got most my system running now. Nothing fancy as I only have emby and two philips hue white lights. I can't get Alexa to communicate with my home assistant install but I think that is because of windows. Looking to buy a raspberry pi this Friday and try. Even if that doesn't work a lot of the components for home assistant work better on pi way so not a total lose.

have you looked into any of the ha-bridge servers on github. I'm wondering if maybe you could run it on windows to get things working.


The ha-bridge will mimic Phillips hue bridge. It will accept commands from Alexa and allow to redirect to http commandline requests. Do you think that would help?

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Do they have mic in the Bluetooth speaker? How will it work in room with no echo and barrier between person and Echo?

My house is pretty small so it's been working okay for now, but I do have another echo dot for the kitchen arriving which will help.


I'll get one more for the upstairs as well.

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have you looked into any of the ha-bridge servers on github. I'm wondering if maybe you could run it on windows to get things working.


The ha-bridge will mimic Phillips hue bridge. It will accept commands from Alexa and allow to redirect to http commandline requests. Do you think that would help?

I had but everything was for Linux. I finally found a windows guide and set it up. Now echo will see one of my lamps. Yay.
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Are you making this plugin work stand alone? As in not specifically for home automation? It would be nice to be able to send out "maintenance" messages to my users. Maybe have a manual entry section in the plugin settings?




Yeah that is exactly what it is right now.

It'll have both functionalities in the future.


I got the plugin to save prior messages in a list, so if you choose one it will add it to the "text editor" (I use that term loosely) an you'll be able to broadcast it again, should you want to ;)

Edited by chef
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Anyone know any good Z wave websites to buy stuff from?

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Anyone know any good Z wave websites to buy stuff from?

Are you Canadian? Aartech I believe they are called ( Canadian company) :)



Also, check your local Home Depot

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Thanks guys. I have some sylvania light bulbs coming in the mail I plan to make work with my philips hue. The only piece I am missing would be Z wave stuff.

Shopping list come friday:
RaZberry2 Z-Wave Plus Daughter Card
SD Card
Raspberry PI 3
CanaKit 5V 2.5A Raspberry Pi 3 Power Supply (Note - Might see if I have something in house and save $10)

Enokay Black Case for Raspberry Pi



PS - Thanks Mods for keeping this thread going it is really neat seeing what everyone has and does besides Emby.

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Guest asrequested

Oh man! You guys are killing me. I've been putting off the home automation, stuff. But now you're tempting me, too much lol. I'm about to make some changes, and now I'm going to need to look into what I'm going to do, next. :D

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What's the saying keeping up with the Jones or is it the Doofus?

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Guest asrequested

What's the saying keeping up with the Jones or is it the Doofus?


LMAO.....Well, I'm still waiting on some parts I ordered. Once I've got that squared away, I'll see what's next on the agenda 

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@@Luke is it possible to add messaging to DLNA devices? Or am I dreaming?


Something like, for instance, Xbox one notifications? When a user on Xbox send a friend/play request?

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Hmm.. There are quite a few clients that don't support "DisplayMessage".

The Webclient and theater do. And I'm testing my mom and dads android Sony tv today.


It's close to being testable. It took longer then I thought because my JavaScript coding needs work.


My development environment in visual studio doesn't really help me along in JavaScript, so it is a bunch of code writing and then immediate testing to see if I broke something.

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Hmm.. There are quite a few clients that don't support "DisplayMessage".

The Webclient and theater do. And I'm testing my mom and dads android Sony tv today.


It's close to being testable. It took longer then I thought because my JavaScript coding needs work.


My development environment in visual studio doesn't really help me along in JavaScript, so it is a bunch of code writing and then immediate testing to see if I broke something.

Wonder if Emby server could develop/support an api for Picture in picture, this would be very useful in many applications like sending a simple message or perhaps more complex of sending a camera live feed or perhaps a Skype call etc ( would require strategical place mic). I have noticed that the guys on the IOS thread have PIP working but I think this is on the client side.
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Before I switched to driod. ios did have pip but it was like you said client. Where emby was the pip. It would be nice to have this on this on the client's to support something else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I switched to a raspberry pi. Nothing fancy right now but now my emulated hue works perfect. No need for habridge. Also using glances to keep track of the raspberry pi. Thinking of doing the same for the emby server.

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Are you Canadian? Aartech I believe they are called ( Canadian company) :)



Also, check your local Home Depot

I like aeon labs' Aeotech products, ecolink, and homeseer technologies.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm starting to track this little gem.


Linear HUSBZB-1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GJ826F8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_pvDtzbKRAYCN6


Plug it into my raspberry pi running home assistant and I won't have to worry about any special hubs.


Still learning so time will tell.

Zigbee and z-wave transceivers on one USB interface, that is pretty cool. Here, I went 100% z-wave. I did this because you get better overall service in a mesh network when you have multiple devices because they increase density and overall footprint. Currently, I am using: https://shop.homeseer.com/products/homeseer-smartstick-usb-z-wave-interface?variant=20271967494. It has a pretty big footprint on its own. If I ever need a bigger footprint I would probably get one of these: RaZberry2 Z-Wave Plus Daughter Card for Raspberry Pi Home Automation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M3Q764U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_O-Etzb4MFB2S1.

With Z-Wave I have run my motions, thermostat, door sensors, ceiling fans, power outlets, power monitoring, leak detection and lighting.


My hope is to upgrade and integrate my home alarm into my ha environment, and host my door sensors, window sensors, and alarm motions on that system.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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