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Missing Songs - Emby Beta vs. Emby Blue Neon Light


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Hi there,


Currently, on my Roku, I'm running both Emby Blue Neon Light and Emby Beta.  If I go to Music, Artists, choose an artist, then list the tracks, it will show me all the songs for that artist.  For some odd reason, if I go and do the same with Emby Beta, it won't do this.  The Beta will only show me the songs that have album data, but none of the songs that do not.


Is this normal?  Or is this purely a metadata/ID3 issue?



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The blue neon night app was made for my use primarily, at least in regards to the music features *wink wink*. I want to see track level items for artist, genre, studio so I created a way to accomplish it.


It is quite easy to pull artist tracks, so I am sure Its an oversight, not intentionally missing. The old official roku app never did allow for this either.


Here is how I pull artists. To pull studio and genre is the same, replace "artists: artistName" with genres: genre or studios: studio in the code below.

    url = GetServerBaseUrl() + "/Users/" + HttpEncode(getGlobalVar("user").Id) + "/Items"
    limit = FirstOf(RegRead("prefgenrestudioartistmax"),"200")
    query = {
        artists: artistName
        recursive: "true"
        includeitemtypes: "Audio"
        fields: "AudioInfo,ParentId,PrimaryImageAspectRatio,DateCreated,Overview,Genres"
        sortby: "SortName"
        sortorder: "Ascending",
        ImageTypeLimit: "1"
    if limit <> "0"
        query.addreplace("Limit", limit)
        query.addreplace("StartIndex", "0")
    end if

Something like this needs to be added to the new app so that an extra row shows for the artist tracks. Since the app doesn't want long horizontal rows, that limit should be 30, and the 31st item in the row should be the [more...] button.


The second issue is, how many items should you display? Should there be an artificial upper limit max? In the blue neon app there is a setting to control this maximum. By default it is set at 200, but you can raise/lower/disable too in that preference.


@@ashbinder bottom line..It is not your libraries fault. You just need to wait for your feature request, which this is really, to get attention.


@@ebr see above. Thx

Edited by speechles
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Thanks speechles; appreciate the insight!  Thought I had configured something incorrectly or missed a filter somewhere!


And thanks for sharing your work!

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