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Trakt plugin: Watched status not being updated on trakt


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I recently noticed that watched status of shows/movies is not updated on trakt.tv is a specific movie or series episode is marked as watched manually in Emby. Could this behavior please be changed so watched status on trakt is updated for those episodes or movies that are manually marked as watched?


This is particularly annoying for me as I'm relying on the trakt plugin to update watched status between multiple Emby installations.

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I'm aware of that link, but there is not really a server log to post for this issue. The issue should be quite simple to recreate:


1) Make sure the Trakt plugin is installed and configured with username/password for your trakt.tv account

2) Choose a unwatched movie in your library, any movie as long as it has not being watched and therefore also is not marked as watched on trakt.tv

3) Manually mark that movie as watched in the Emby library

4) Manually start thetrakt.tv plugin, or wait for the scheduled task to run

5) Check the status of the same movie on your trakt.tv account and you'll find that is not marked as watched


Not sure how to explain this more detailed than this but let me know if additional information is needed.

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Hmm someone must have swung their magic wand because all of a sudden, almost like magic, my trakt account is in sync again. Two things happened just before that:


1) I updated the Emby server to the latest version, I always try to keep it updated so it was on the "next latest" version before the update.


2) I played with the option "Update watched status on Trakt" in the Trakt plugin and ran a sync both with this enabled and disabled.


I always kept this option disabled because the way I read the (a bit confusing) help text this would make the plugin synchronize watched status with trakt.tv, and if it's enabled it would only update watched status when a video finish playing. Or at least that's how I read the help text, but then again I find the help text not to be unambiguous.


I ended up setting this option back to disabled as I've always had it. And overnight my trakt account end hence my other Emby installations are in sync again. I've noticed maybe the past 2-3 weeks that they was not in sync, before that all was ok.


Could someone that know for sure please confirm that the option "Update watched status on Trakt" in the Trakt plugin means what I write above?


And someone might want to change the help text a bit, it uses the terms "By default" and "This changes it" but what is default and what changes it? It would, in my humble opinion, be better to use clear language and spell it out, eg "When this option is disabled" and "when this option is enabled", especially for those of us who are language challenged. :)

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I don't know for sure. The plugin is a community addition and a number of people have helped with it.

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  • 8 months later...

Our Trakt plugin has been updated to 3.1.2. Due to Trakt API changes, you will need to install the update, and then re-authenticate using the trakt plugin configuration screen.


In addition, there are improvements to the Trakt syncing process. Please let us know if this helps. Thanks !

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