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Emby for Kodi Episode Thumbs


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I have a question regarding episode thumbs, and I'm not sure if it is an emby for kodi question, or just an emby server question.


My router crashed about a week ago, and it needed to be completely replaced and reset. One of the things that I lost was my DHCP reservations, which had assigned my emby server a 'static' IP. When everything came back up, all of my devices had new IPs, so I decided to just keep the new IPs, rather than trying to rearrange everything on the router.


One thing that seemed to have broken is the episode thumbs within Kodi. I took a look at the debug log, and it looks like emby (or the emby for kodi addon) is trying to pull the episode thumb using the old IP address, rather than the new one. My path substitution is correct in the server settings, and when I refresh the episode, the thumb will show up again, however, I'd really rather not do a full library refresh to get the thumbs working again.


Does anyone know of a way to force update just the emby internal path for the episode thumbs?

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