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"Next Up" Randomly showing wrong episode

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Only thing I can think of is they are unidentified episodes so I don't know @@Luke's order of precedence when only reading provided data.

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What metadata are they missing? It seems that season, episode number, and possibly absolute episode number would be all that would be needed to display an order. Maybe even the original air date, but all of that is listed as well in the xml files. 


I also just realized that the other series that I have added recently are probably only working because their episode titles are "Episode 1" and so on.

Edited by mrtwopoints
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Emby relies on provider metadata (TVDB, TMDB, IMDB ids) not having these can play havoc on watched statuses when they are added/discovered later.



This if from the nfo for episode 1


MCM provides in xml

Edited by Happy2Play
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Well do they all have season and episode numbers?

You can see the xml in post 18 and 20.

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Ah yes, it's the SortTitle that is causing it. When you leave SortTitle blank Emby will determine the sorting on the fly using season and episode numbers.

When you customize the SortTitle, that will determine the sort order.

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Ah yes, it's the SortTitle that is causing it. When you leave SortTitle blank Emby will determine the sorting on the fly using season and episode numbers.

When you customize the SortTitle, that will determine the sort order.

So, has it always been that way? Is there a way in which the Sort Title can be removed from the metadata in bulk - without having to edit each episode or .nfo individually?

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It has always been that way in regards to SortTitle, yes. We want to allow you to customize your own sorting. Of course, that also means you have the ability to make your own mess.

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You can with notepad ++.  There are topics around, I would have to do some digging to find.

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  • Solution

It appears that the metabrowser app I use has only recently begun populating the sort title field with no way to turn it off that I can tell. At least I know what needs to be done now. Thanks!

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For everyone else

Late reply but will prove useful for anyone searching for a solution on batch/mass updating sort titles.
How-to batch remove sort-title tags from metadata (Windows):

  • Download and install Notepad ++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/)
  • In Windows Explorer navigate to your movies folder and search 'movie.xml'
  • Select all the 'movie.xml' files then right click and select Edit with NotePad++
  • In NotePad++ Click 'Search' and then 'Replace'
  • Under 'Find what' type <SortTitle>(.*?)</SortTitle>
  • Under 'Replace with' type <SortTitle></SortTitle>
  • Under 'Search mode' click the 'Regular expression' radio button
  • Click 'Replace All in All Opened Documents'
  • Click 'Close'
  • Click 'File' and then 'Save All'
  • Close Notepad++
  • You're done!

Note in Notepad ++ you can click Search-Find in file to do these steps also.

Edited by Happy2Play
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  • 2 years later...

i have only watched the first episode for 1 of these and only the second for another but its showing episode 7 is up next and episode 10



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Check the metadata editor for all episodes of those series and make sure the season and episode number values are correct for each episode, and also check the sort title field for each episode. Make sure the sort title of each episode is applied in a consistent manner.


The display is not wrong, rather, it would be more accurate to say wrong data causing the display to show something unexpected.

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