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Server - Custom recording destination


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I don't believe there's an elegant way to do this now, so it would be awesome to have the ability to set the destination of the recording at the time the recording is set.  All my kids shows go to the default location and I have to manually move them to the kids-tv folder/library in order to keep them off my UI.  It wouldn't work at the user level because my kids aren't old enough to record their own stuff, and having to switch to their profile just to set up a recording would be a pita.  Thanks

Edited by mastrmind11
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  • 11 months later...
  • 9 months later...

any updates on this as to when we might see this feature? 

like the first post, it's how the emby team measures interest in a FR

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  • 3 months later...

@@ebr or @@Luke

My topic is not talking about the same thing.

I was talking about blocking a tuner or an M3U list only for recording. Not so everyone can have his list and that emby tries to record on a tuner / list M3U free. That he can have a dedicated tuner / M3U list for recording. To avoid M3U tuner / list conflict problems during recordings.
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@@ebr or @@Luke



My topic is not talking about the same thing.

I was talking about blocking a tuner or an M3U list only for recording. Not so everyone can have his list and that emby tries to record on a tuner / list M3U free. That he can have a dedicated tuner / M3U list for recording. To avoid M3U tuner / list conflict problems during recordings.



Okay, I believe that specific request exists out here as well.  Your request covered several things - all of which,  I think, have been asked for in other topics.




Reserve TV tuner for viewing only


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  • 9 months later...

Is this feature still in development? I see a few options to choose a custom location for Movies and Shows, but ideally I'd like to be able to select the "library" to save to at the time I'm scheduling the recording. 

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  • 1 year later...

@Luke Any chance this can be added to the current beta too? Really need this since Plex server has stopped working. 🙁

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Ok, I thought it was planned for the current 4.7/4.8 beta, but it doesn't sound like it's coming any time soon. Appreciate the response though. 

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  • 8 months later...
36 minutes ago, Mbppg said:

Any update on this feature?

Hi, not yet, but hopefully soon.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm not sure exactly what the original poster had in mind,  but I've come from using tvheadend, where when you set up a recording (or recording based on  a series/keyword) you could specify a particular sub folder for the recordings.   (by default, tvheadend would create a subfolder based on the show name, but you could override it with your own folder name when creating the recording).

That allows for things such as:

  • Put all "news" related recordings under a folder named "News", regardless of actual show name or channel, so all your various newscasts are clumped together in a folder, and  you just go there when you want to watch the latest news, or putting all the various late-night talkshow recording under a folder called "Late Night"
  • Fix "messy" guide data for some shows, which can sometimes have inconsistent names (such as some guides that include the episode name in the show title, rather than as a separate field), and force them all together.

When going to watch the recordings, tvheadend's interface (in kodi) would list the recordings by folder (and you could sort by "most recent", which meant most recent added episode in the folder).  

So, all recordings could be nicely grouped into folders, usually (but not always) based on the show name.

That pretty much worked the same as every Cable company DVR, and every Satellite DVR we've had over the past 20 years.  Shows go into folders, and folders are sorted based on most recently recorded episode in the folder (most recent on top)

Currently, my wife has a complaint (or rather, a *lot* of complaints) that all the recordings are just jumbled randomly on the screen with no structure, making it hard ("impossible") for her to find the show and episode she wants to watch.

She's also used the the kodi interface, where (depending on the kodi skin you use and which "view" you pick),  you could scroll through the episode titles/filenames  in a list, and have a side-bar that would show the detailed info for it (episode name, description, etc), rather then needing to actually navigate *into* each episode to determine which one it is.


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  • 6 months later...
4 hours ago, Mbppg said:

Any update on this request?

HI, not yet, but it is planned for future updates. Thanks.

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  • 6 months later...

@Lukeyou've been saying this is planned for a future update for SIX YEARS... that phrase is meaningless, can we get a real answer? just say it's never going to happen.

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