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Invalid Application error when navigating in Emby for WMC


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After launching Emby for WMC, as soon as I try to navigate to a media library I receive an "Invalid Application" error and Emby closes. At first this was only happening when I navigated to my Movies library - I removed that library and the application was stable. However, I'm now encountering the same issue when trying to access other libraries (e.g., "Home Movies"). I thought that I might have an issue with folder permissions or security, but I don't see anything unusual there. I uninstalled and re-installed Emby for WMC and Emby Server, but the issue remains. I've attached the Emby server log file and the Windows log file from the latest occurrence. Let me know if any other information is needed to help diagnose this.


Thanks in advance for the help!




Windows Error.txt

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Are there any other messages in the Windows event log around the same time?  Even informational ones?


Also, please attach the EMC log.  Thanks.

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Server 3.1.5

EmbyWMC 3.0.307.0


After updating to 3.0.307.0 I am now having the same issue, Emby crashes when I select or browse 1 of my 5 folders ( TV Series ). The following errors pop up



Followed by



Things I have now noticed:


* 2 of my 5 folders ( Movies, Trailers, TV Series ) are in Grouped Content view even though I have each of these unchecked in My Views




* I have always had Movies unchecked but always still got the Grouped Content, I believe I noted this a while back but simply lived with it.


* I am able to browse Trailers, but this folder is now displaying the same sub folder structure as seen in Movies ( latest, movies, favorites, by genre)


Attached is server logs, there are no EmbyWMC logs generated at \program data\MediaBrowse-Classic\logs


Of course my priority is to get this crash issue resolved, but I would also love to see the Grouped Content disabled content working.. As I always continue to point out in my posts, I am old school simple and prefer the simply icon view.


Edited by Tester
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Same problem here - It seemed to specifically trigger when reaching specific entries, however when I moved them out of the library, the error recurred on previously sound entries.


Looking at the windows log there seems to be a specific message (attached)


Hope that's of help!

error log.txt

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Can I download and install the Stable version without loosing all my settings ?  I know I will have to reset the WMC strip, but that is no big deal.

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Stable version of Emby WMC.  My upgrade to this latest beta version was actually an accident, I normally only do stable versions but must have left it accidentally on BETA or DEV.  

Until this issue and or version is fixed, I would like to go back to Stable since we use Emby WMC daily.

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There is no beta of EMC.


.307 is a release that has been out since September.


Whatever is happening here is related to a server update I believe but it is also something unusual because it is only happening to a few of you.

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I then must have been on an older version prior to the Sept release.  Since I saw my update setting at Beta I incorrectly assumed I had a new beta.

Thanks for the correction.


Anything we can provide to you guys to help troubleshoot the issue?

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Since EMC hasn't changed in months, it has to be related to the server releases/configuration.   .307 is the last stable version.

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Hi Guys,


I've also been having an issue that may be related to this. Apologies its taken a while to report (just had our first baby and time is tight!).


Since some server updates in late December my Emby app in WMC occasionally triggers the Invalid Application error that is mentioned here. Maybe 20% of the time when I click into an item folder to go to play it it triggers the error but if I dismiss the error it eventually gets there.


The main thing I'm seeing is that it takes a looooong time to get to the detail page of a movie or episode. On average about 20 seconds. Where it is taking too long it seems to trigger that error. Once it gets there I can play media successfully.


I've had a quick look at a log that I've attached below and there are lots of errors and some regarding not being able to find the library paths.


I guess that I need to take a look at re-doing the library config and rescanning all media again? 



Interestingly last night I noticed that with a new media item when I clicked to go through to the detail page it went through normally without the delay. Unsure if this will be repeatable.



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Hey guys, family driving me nuts.  Can I download the previous stable version of WMC Emby until this issue is resolved ?

If so, is there a repository where I can download from ?

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UPDATE -  I was able to stop the crash by enabling EHS from the WMC Emby settings and then disabling.  Now I can browse without a crash.

All the other issues I mentioned in post #3 remain.

My guess is that my Trailers library folder is now being treated as a Movie folder since that is how I have it set up.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Things I have now noticed:


* 2 of my 5 folders ( Movies, Trailers, TV Series ) are in Grouped Content view even though I have each of these unchecked in My Views





I only see three folders there so I'm a little confused as to what is happening that you don't think should be... 



* I am able to browse Trailers, but this folder is now displaying the same sub folder structure as seen in Movies ( latest, movies, favorites, by genre)


If that library is of type Movie and you have the option to show movie sub-views enabled, then, yes, this is what will happen.

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Basically, the My Views option is not working.  Regardless of the setting (enabled or disabled ) EMC always displays Group Content.

This used to only happen with Movies, but now it happens with Trailers ( which has always been set as a Movie type ).


The setting does however work with TV Series, I am able to enable/disable this option and see correct function.

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The option in the web app or in EMC?


Can you show me some screen shots so I'm sure I understand?

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Of course... but I did a bit of experimenting and learned a few things although I am still confused.


What is the difference between the web app My Views and EMC Config View Options -> Top Level Views ?




What I have noticed when using web app My Views:

If My Views Movies is enabled, nothing happens in EMC

If My Views Movies & Trailers is enabled, then Movies shifts position in strip and has group content Icon, Trailers disappears from strip

If Movies & Trailers & TV Series enabled, then same as above Movies & Trailers


When using the EMC->View Options->Top Level Views ( all web app My Views options disabled ):

If Show Movie Sub-Views is enabled, both Movies & Trailes has group content icon and both show working Sub View folders

If Show TV sub-views is enabled, then EMC will crash when browsed to this icon ( see my earlier post with screenshots of crash)

If Show Favorites Folder is enabled, then EMC will display Favorites with all Favorites sub views



All I want is my old school EMC view of old icons that open into a single folder.  This I can do.

I also want my old school EMC Favorites icon to work as it used to, not open up into Favorites sub views.  Is this still possible ?

Lastly, is there a way to move the Favorites in the strip ?






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The "My Views" in the web settings is giving you the opportunity to group libraries of the same content type together into a single entity on the home screen.  This is why your "Trailers" entry disappeared when you checked both "Movies" and "Trailers".  You told the system to group those into one item.  Your trailers were then combined under the Movies view.


Checking only one of these two items is going to have virtually no effect except that, I imagine if you only checked the "Trailers" one, you would end up with two libraries named "Movies".


These options have very little effect for you due to the fact that you have so few libraries.


As for the EMC options, these are necessary because we are trying to still make EMC work as closely as possible with the old ways as we can but still provide some of the newer functionality as well.  If you un-check those options, then you will get straight views of the contents of the individual libraries but without any structure under them.  Meaning, even if you happen to have organizational folders, they wouldn't show up.  You'd still just get a grid of all movies under them.

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Thanks for the detailed explanation, I clearly misunderstood the function of "My Views"


So basically I am left with these 2 questions:

I also want my old school EMC Favorites icon to work as it used to, not open up into Favorites sub views.  Is this still possible ?


Lastly, is there a way to move the Favorites in the strip ?  I am going to assume this is not possible.

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