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Sync Library Status between Kodi and Emby


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I am actually not sure if I should post this here or in the Server section... Feel free to move it (or I can re-create it) if need be.


I have been looking for a way to sync the status of my content between a Kodi instance on my HTPC and a user on the Emby Server install I have on my household server. I would prefer not to modify my Kodi install as I have it working perfectly and set up the way I like, using the SMB share and playing files directly. The HTPC is perfectly capable of playing any file I throw at it without the need of transcoding (I'd rather avoid it for that PC, too) as well I have a third party app keeping my media sorted, clean and metadata local so I don't need Emby for this either.


Something along the line of how Kodi can use MySQL to track library information across installs is pretty much what I am looking for with Emby+Kodi, though I'd like to avoid MySQL as it was painfully slow on library updates the last time I used it.


I have already attempted to use trakt.tv plugins, it worked fine for a time except it started to randomly check all episodes in some shows or a movie as watched over 3,000 times. I eventually gave up when it stopped updating Emby, could have just needed an API update but I do not want to rely on a third party service at this point anymore.


I thought this might be possible with the Emby Add-on for Kodi but I can not get it to work as anticipated and everything I find seems more like it just runs through Emby and uses Kodi for nothing more then playback.

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