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Recommend a new server


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try and choose a m/b with as many pcie slots as possible and check what the speeds are especially if you are going to use more than one - i.e sas card/gpu/possibly a network card(10g) etc etc in the future


just because its 16x in size does not mean its 16x speed etc and a lot share the bandwidth so two 16x may well run at 16x singly but together x8 some x16/x4 - which might cramp your style later.


even though you are starting small - depending on the number of dvd's blu-rays you have or want to rip - a 4TB disk will fill up very quickly


Example cards would be LSI 9211, IBM M1015 Dell and HP have similar cards - there are lots on the second hand market as these cards have been around for several years and are/were used in business servers so are good kit and can on there own run 8 sas/sata disks - any more than that you need a sas expander or a second card. - Pcie slots can get used up very quickly :)


What Ota?

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Koleckai Silvestri

I was looking at the motherboards that can hold 8 or more hard drives and they are expensive. If I get one that does less and in the future I wanted to add more internal hard drives, how could I do that.

I have this motherboard - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157647


I also have two 4 port SATA cards in the PCI-1 slots. This card - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU/


Raid would be more expensive...

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I did an uninstall of emby so i could delete my old mediabrowser server and as I reinstalled emby, I dont see where to put the images by name folder. Can anyone help. Thanks

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I did an uninstall of emby so i could delete my old mediabrowser server and as I reinstalled emby, I dont see where to put the images by name folder. Can anyone help. Thanks


It is Metadata path now.  (Library-Advanced)

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You set a path and a metadata folder will be created in that path and you will have to move the contents of your ibn folder to the metadata folder.
In this example everything resides in \\whs2011-home\Emby-server\metadata



Edited by Happy2Play
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still confused...sorry. I still have an ibn folder. Am i just setting the path to that folder? Or am i saving the ibn directories under a folder called metadata?

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If you set a path to your IBN folder, Emby will create a metadata folder in that path.  This is to prevent user from setting metadata and cache paths the same.  So I would manually create a folder named metadata in you IBN folder and move all your previous folders into that metadata folder.  The path will be your IBN folder.

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I think I got it now. WHS 2011 split my drive c making the os portion a small size and setting the other part as a folders for pics, movies, docs, etc. So what i did is i created a metadata folder on my drive d and moved the people, year, etc folders over to that directory. I also uninstalled emby again because I setup wrong the directory to my movies folder because I have other folders in that. So I figured since this going to take a while and scan< i am redoing it and will let it scan over night. Thanks so much.

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You just have to ensure the metadata path is correct as Emby creates a metadata folder.  People have ended up with multiple People folders, even though this change was done almost a year ago.  Look at Paths on the Dashboard.



Look at the image I added to post 57, as my custom path points to \Emby-Server the Path reported to Emby to save stuff is \Emby-server\metadata.

Edited by Happy2Play
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So I made a metadata folder on my d drive. Then I copied the ibn folders over into the metadata folder and point the server to that folder. I dont see any of the images that i saved appearing in the media when i scroll. Did I forget any other settings to change maybe. 58711cd67c539_Capture1NEW.png



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Look at your screenshots.  As I stated in all the other posts, you used the wrong path, Emby is using D:\serverfolders\Metadata\Metadata.  So if you leave it the way it is, you need to move everything into the second metadata folder or change your custom path to just D:\serverfolders.

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Can I get away with an I3 if I need to transcode 2 or 3 streams. I know an I5 is better but wanted to know if anyone  is using an I3 and how it is. I just plugged some items on newegg and its to expensive (almost 800.00) I am going to try again and pair everything down because I didnt include win 10 pro.

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Can I get your feedback for this. I am going to take my os hard drive, server (4) 2tb drives and blue ray drive from my old desktop. All I have to do is find win 10 pro on the cheap. This would become my new server. i'll add ssd drive & 4 tb drives at a later time.


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