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BoxSets shortcuts


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I currently have a BoxSet folder structure setup in MB server. It is orgnaized as such "\\server\Movies\Movies [boxSets]" with a folder inside of that directory for each movie boxset I have and then within those movie boxsets I have shorcuts to the actual movies themselves. (ie. \\server\Movies\Movies [boxSets]\Iron Man [boxSet]\Iron Man 3 - Shortcut). 


This structure works, however it is more work to maintain then I would like too. What I would like to be able to do is simply do a shortcut right too the BoxSet folder itself and only have to do one step instead of having to create a folder and go into my media library and find the movies and add the shortcuts. It would also keep all of my media art consistent as many of the boxset did not have great thumb layouts for the Roku that I went out an added manually.


TLDR: Could you please add a way to shortcut right to the boxset folder from the "BoxSet" media Collection. Currently with that structure it does not find any media.




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I play to eventually add the ability to create and manage collections in the web client, and then you'll never need to use shortcuts again. But until then you'll have to deal with it. There's no real plans to change the shortcut behavior. By definition anything that can't be configured in the web interface will only be used by a tiny portion of our users, because most won't even know it exists. So I'd rather get it configurable in the interface so that everyone can use it.

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