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Episode Name Parsing


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Is there a way, in a plugin to parse a filename without adding the file to the library first?


Edit: It looks like I could do it if I EpisodePathParser was available for DI in the service library.




I don't think the nuget packages expose that assembly and class.


Edit 2: It looks like I can just reference that assembly and bypass DI, but doesn't seem to be the correct way to do it. I'll probably do that for now since this is a private plugin.

Edited by rhodges
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  • 4 weeks later...

WIth the latest round of changes, this is no longer working. I know I'm kinda hacking something in that isn't supported, but I'd love to see the parser exposed in a supported method.

var options = new Naming.Common.ExtendedNamingOptions();
var result = new Naming.TV.EpisodePathParser(options, new Naming.Common.RegexProvider()).Parse(request.Name, false, true);

If I passed Season\Hawaii Five-O S07E07.mkv it was returning back the expected results. Now it doesn't parse it.


I will look around and see if I can get it working again, if possible.


Edit: Disregard. This was completely on me. When I ripped out the service stack references and refactored my code to not use them, I had a bug in how I was calling this service and the name was not being correctly passed to the plugin.  Oooops.

Edited by rhodges
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