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ServerWMC with schedules direct


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Is there a way to do serverwmc where it doesn't have to pull over the channels and epg entries everytime you boot and it could just use the schedules direct (which BTW I already use with epg123)?


I still want to record through WMC when going through Emby guide and really since i am always transcoding to mobile devices it really doesn't help me to just stream straight from the HDHomeRun.


Anyone out there with any advice that could help me?

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Hi, it should not be doing this on server startup unless you changed the schedule of the refresh guide scheduled task. you can check this in the server dashboard under scheduled tasks.


note if you have significant time between uses of the server, that could also cause the task to run.

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Luke, on 29 Sept 2016 - 8:16 PM, said:

Hi, it should not be doing this on server startup unless you changed the schedule of the refresh guide scheduled task. you can check this in the server dashboard under scheduled tasks.


note if you have significant time between uses of the server, that could also cause the task to run.


Hmm, I think it's getting the guide data everytime it connect to ServerWMC. If you start Emby, it will try to get the guide data (whatever there is a task or not). If you stop ServerWMC and restart it, then Emby try to get the guide data.


Must be some default behaviour of the plug-in...


As for using Shedule Direct directly in Emby instead of getting it from ServerWMC, I think that would cause problems: The line-up, channel ID/callsign may not be the same in Emby or in ServerWMC (which get it from WMC) if you don't use Shedule Direct data "as is" on both. When setting-up a recording, it's probably best it is based on the EPG/lineup used by the tuners (so the data in WMC) than use data in Emby and hope that it will match.

Edited by stettler
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Serverwmc doesn't pull the data from epg123 until its client (emby, in this case) asks for data.  And like Luke says, by default emby doesn't grab guide data when it starts.

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krustyreturns, on 30 Sept 2016 - 8:07 PM, said:

Serverwmc doesn't pull the data from epg123 until its client (emby, in this case) asks for data.  And like Luke says, by default emby doesn't grab guide data when it starts.


Hmm... If I exit ServerWMC and restart it, I can see in the "status" windows of ServerWMC that It's transfering the EPG entries to Emby. If I stop it again, right after, and start it again, it will re-transfer the data. Can do that 10 times in a row and 10 times it will happen...


Edit: And you mean from WMC, not EPG123, right?

Edited by stettler
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Perhaps you were doing that during the time Emby wanted to run the refresh guide operation? If so then that sounds like it would be normal.

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Luke, on 30 Sept 2016 - 9:17 PM, said:Luke, on 30 Sept 2016 - 9:17 PM, said:

Perhaps you were doing that during the time Emby wanted to run the refresh guide operation? If so then that sounds like it would be normal.


no.. It happens _always_ and there wasn't any task running. I just tested it again. I just assumed it was normal behaviour and that each time Emby was connecting to ServerWMC, the first thing it would do is get the guide data...


Edit: the only "Refresh guide" task I have set is "daily at 7:00 am". I never stoped/started ServerWMC at that time :) (and yes, the task ran correctly at 7:00am so it was not a delayed task because it was skiped)


Edit: And I just did it again (3rd times in a row in less than 30 mins) to make sure: I checked on Emby and it's the "Refresh Guide" task that is triggered (even if mine is set to run at 7:00am daily)

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I your case you are leaving emby running, but restarting serverwmc.  Perhaps when emby detects a serverwmc re-start it automatically downloads the guide from it?  The behavior I was talking about was restarting emby server but serverwmc was left running.


As for the epg123 thing, you are right: serverwmc always gets guide data from wmc's service.  In the OP's case though, the wmc service is getting guide data using epg123.

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I your case you are leaving emby running, but restarting serverwmc.  Perhaps when emby detects a serverwmc re-start it automatically downloads the guide from it?  The behavior I was talking about was restarting emby server but serverwmc was left running.


As for the epg123 thing, you are right: serverwmc always gets guide data from wmc's service.  In the OP's case though, the wmc service is getting guide data using epg123.


Is the plugin triggering the DataSourceChanged event when the ServerWMC app restarts?

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Uh oh.  Rechecking..   Yes, I do trigger DataSourceChanged if my plugin detects serverwmc just came up.  At the time I think it helped me with debugging, sounds like people want it off.

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You would trigger that if some kind of event happens on the server wmc side that requires Emby to refresh the channels and guide in order to operate normally. Examples of that might be adding/removing tuners from WMC, changing channel visibilities, or some change to the epg data source.

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I see.  


Okay I just put up a new version of the plugin ( that will not trigger a data refresh when it detects serverwmc coming up.

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Uh oh.  Rechecking..   Yes, I do trigger DataSourceChanged if my plugin detects serverwmc just came up.  At the time I think it helped me with debugging, sounds like people want it off.


Would the plugin detects that serverwmc came up when Emby is started (even if serverwmc was already running)? In that case, that would explain what the op said. (I haven't specificaly tested that case myself but I seems to remember that it was happening)


Imho, it doesn't really matter when the guide refresh takes a few minutes. But some time ago, I posted that my guide refresh was taking around 3h and that the server was very unresponsive during that time (which is why I changed to task to only once per day). I could only fix that problem by de-installing Emby and re-installing it.

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I see.  


Okay I just put up a new version of the plugin ( that will not trigger a data refresh when it detects serverwmc coming up.


Ok this new way of handling things is causing me some grief (I liked it better before, more plug/play).

Well I just changed my tuners in WMC as I removed/added one, this went well, SWMC on the machine has been cycled and sees the new tuners, however Emby refuses to play LiveTv.


I'm trying to force the Refresh Guide in the scheduled tasks, but it is sitting at 0% now for a couple of minutes.

I also uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin (rebooting in between) and still I have this issue (it also remembered all my data for the plugin paths).


So what do I need to do to have this refresh in order for it to see my new configuration from the WMC machine?


Edit: More testing, the update guide finished.. Live Tv works in the web player (IP:port) but not in Theater, it just spins and never loads. I also don't see the active connection on the SWMC main page.

Added Theater log, SWMC Log, Emby Server Log 


Seeing this: 

2016-09-30 19:28:42.7192 Error InternalDirectShowPlayer: InvokeOnPlayerThread
	Exception from HRESULT: 0x88890008
	   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
	   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
	   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method)
	   at Emby.Theater.DirectShow.InternalDirectShowPlayer.InvokeOnPlayerThread(Action action, Boolean throwOnError)
2016-09-30 19:28:42.7192 Error InternalDirectShowPlayer: Error beginning playback
	Exception from HRESULT: 0x88890008
	   at Emby.Theater.DirectShow.InternalDirectShowPlayer.InvokeOnPlayerThread(Action action, Boolean throwOnError)
	   at Emby.Theater.DirectShow.InternalDirectShowPlayer.PlayTrack(String path, Int64 startPositionTicks, Boolean isVideo, BaseItemDto item, MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, Boolean enableFullScreen)
	   at Emby.Theater.DirectShow.InternalDirectShowPlayer.Play(String path, Int64 startPositionTicks, Boolean isVideo, BaseItemDto item, MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, Boolean enableFullScreen)




Edited by bungee91
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Sometimes it is just a matter of patience :)


That's difficult, I want it now!!  :P

Add a tuner I said, it'd work great I said....  :D


Ok, well I added logs, if it fixes itself by tomorrow, so be it I suppose.

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Yeah I could do that.  Or I might just put a button on the gui so it can be triggered manually.

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