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Posted (edited)

I like the bread crumbs feature but I feel that they need to be more detailed. There needs to be one more level of  hierarchy. This would provide the user a quick return to the main TV library without having to make three extra clicks as it is now.










edit: sorry! Wrong forum. Should be in the Feature Requests forum.

Edited by dvgmar
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Those aren't breadcrumbs.  That is just a descriptive name of the item of which portions are easy launch points.


You may not intend them to be bread crumbs but that's what they are offering to the user - a quick way to travel through the hierarchy of a TV library. Clicking each descriptive name takes the user to the higher level but you can't get back to the TV library without additional navigation. If "TV Shows" was placed just before the TV series title then the cycle would be complete. Plain and simple - there just isn't a quick way to get back to the TV library once you are viewing a series' page.

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