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Emby Theater view in 2:35


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I dont know if this has been asked...I have a 2:35 screen with an anamorphic lens setup.  I think XBMC has it where you can change the format, is that possible in Emby theater?

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He would need a vertical stretch mode.  It would keep the width the same but stretch the image vertically by 33% (multiply by 1.33).


His lens will then stretch that horizontally giving him a full screen 2.35 image.


(The Android TV app and EMC can do this)

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Just the menu portion to a native 2:35 format so I can use the lens/shift from the projector and not have to disengage it when picking a movie from Emby Theater's menu.


Right now if I have the lens engaged, I have to move it to see the emby theater menu in its true state.  Hope I am explaining this correctly...similar to this thread on XBMC.   http://www.avsforum.com/forum/117-2-35-1-constant-image-height-chat/1877505-xbmc-2-35-1-scope-screen.html

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He would need a vertical stretch mode.  It would keep the width the same but stretch the image vertically by 33% (multiply by 1.33).


His lens will then stretch that horizontally giving him a full screen 2.35 image.


(The Android TV app and EMC can do this)


Exactly...thanks for the translation...  :-)

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