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Have to hit 'Refresh' on a movie before it shows total time


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I Have to hit 'Refresh' on a movie before it shows total time and allows me to scrub back and forth within the movie. Why is that, and how do I fix it so that this 'Refresh' is done inline with adding a movie. How do I get it done with movies already added?

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Guest asrequested

Is this when a new movie is added to your library? Do you have realtime monitoring enabled?



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I Have to hit 'Refresh' on a movie before it shows total time and allows me to scrub back and forth within the movie. Why is that, and how do I fix it so that this 'Refresh' is done inline with adding a movie. How do I get it done with movies already added?


Chances are you are just not being patient and allowing a little time for the media scan to finish. If you think this isn't the case, then please create an example and see how to report a problem. Thanks.

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OK, things that may help. As noted in one of my other posts today, my metadata is local. My PE2950 server that has been running on and off for over a year has to have any movie that I have not 'Refreshed' -Refreshed' before the time duration and ability to move back and forth in the movie works. 


I just load up the candidate machine for my new server last night. It exhibits the exact same behavior. I suspect fault with my metadata files with respect to the needs of Emby. My metadata is Kodi-centric.


I am attaching metadata just generated by Tiny Media Manager for a movie I am adding to my collection.


It wont accept my file as a '.nfo, so I zipped it all up. All of it is image stuff except the .nfo file. I suspect that you only need the .nfo file to confirm my hypothesis. The only three files left out of the movie folder are the .mp4, .idx, and .sub files.


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The next time you add new content, give it a few minutes then if the issue occurs, please provide the emby server log. your nfo metadata doesn't have any impact here.

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I don't know what you're trying to say, just please try the test i'm requesting. thanks.

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Good day,


As Luke said, normally what count most are the library scan task settings, I for one, the option at the image above (post by Doofus) set to no (reasons I do a lots of moving/updating my libraries titles).


So check the setting at the task for library scan for the timing you like, 2 hours, one hour, .. etc.


Or simply click on library scan if you want to get it done.


My best

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