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Blackbox for emby on Windows


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I have create this application. It is most certainly a work in progress, but someone else may find it as useful.

It will do the following:

-Unzip and sort files into Emby Auto-Organize Folder: It will also move any media file from the monitored location, into emby's Auto-Organized folder. All files are uniformly placed into thier own folder inside the Auto-Organized Folder.

-Auto-Organize Movies: After the Auto-Organize Task is finished sorting TV Shows, it will look and see if there are any files left in the folder
(which it placed there during the unzip and sorting of files). If they meet the criteria of a Movie ( doesn't contain "S + numerical value" or "E + numerical value") then it will create a new movie folder in your Emby Library (physical Folder Structure) and copy the Movie File over to it.

The Movie Auto-Organize will pick the Name of the movie out of even the messiest of Strings (currently only the movie Name and not the production year)


I used a string compare of LowerCase(String) = String since numbers do not have a lowercase version I can then assume that it is the production year, and anything found before it is the name of the Movie...


Note: Currently it finds a random Movie drive you have registered with Emby to place the movie in. With so many drives in different states of usage, Random was the fastest way to get it done (for now).


In the future it will check to make sure there is enough space to copy the file first, before attempting the transfer.

-It will monitor when you have "Liked/Favorited" a Trailer in your library. It will then automatically, dynamically parse an RSS News Feed (which you have entered), to gather further information about the movie. You can then attach links from the RSS to any external application of your choice.
It will continue to Parse RSS Feeds for the proper link until all your criteria is meet.

It is working for me so far (with only a couple days of testing). I would like to get it running smoothly because it has potential to help automate home theaters which use emby.

The user is responsible for the information they tell the app to process.


Edited by chef
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