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Further Documentation C#


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I'm developing a channel plugin for Emby at the moment and am finding it difficult based on the information currently available in the wiki.


I've created the barebones of the plugin and have created a plugin class that inherits from the IChannel interface, implements it's internal members etc...


The plugin in question is a radio plugin so I have a structure (ChannelItem) that defines several properties for URL, Channel Name, Channel Number etc... I then have another class that initializes a collection of ChannelItem and populates the values. All I want to do is loop through the collection and bind them to whatever properties are required within Emby.


"public Task<ChannelItemResult> GetChannelItems" seems to be the way to go but it's not clear how ChannelItemResult works.


Could someone help? 

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Yeah it does thanks, one more question what is the difference between ChannelItemResult and ChannelItemInfo?


Have you ever thought about using something like GhostDocs to produce documentation?

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we used to use GhostDoc, but it doesn't always replace hand-written documentation. have you looked at the properties of the two classes? if you look at them I think the differences are obvious.

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