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metadata manager community rating


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i noticed this some time ago, in the metadata manager the community rating only wants to.... bugger, now that i try to actually explain it i find that my hatred of math class all those years ago is biting me on the ass when i want to explain the problem without sounding like an idiot. anyways the rating will accept number like 5.5 but doesn't like ratings like 5.55 (the second digit doesn't seem to be allowed when you edit a bit of metadata in a series and then hit save) and there are an awful lot of series that have ratings of three digits instead of two. don't really care about .01 percent of a rating but having to scroll back up to that one setting and round it down or up anytime i'm in the mood to do some editing starts to get annoying. is there anyway to get the metadata manager to accept three digits or to auto round the number up or down or something?

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rounding down or up is what i have been doing. that works no problem. it's just that it seems like pretty much any anime series is 3 digits so only having 2 allowed when saving doesn't really seem to be the way to go. i imagine regular tv shows only have a 2 digit community rating and wherever the anime series rating is coming from is 3?

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