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Background transcoding


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Since HW accelerated realtime transcoding isn't available at the moment, I was wondering about the background transcoding feature from QNAP. It works fine, but since the transcoded files are named differently and placed in a @Transcoded directory, they aren't added to the library correctly. There doesn't seem to be a way to specify where the files go or what they are named. Is there anything in emby for me to specify that these are transcoded versions of the same file?

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  I don't see anything on the that wiki page that would help deal with this. It's not like one version of the file is 720P and the other is a 1080P version. Both the original and the trans-coded resolution are the same resolution. With possibly  only a different codex for the video && || audio. Unless your suggesting that we can take the  transcoded version and move it into a folder with the original and call it something like "300 - 1080p - Transocded - General - High.mkv" or like ""300 - 1080p - Transocded - Baseline - High.mkv" ?

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