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Folder issues and other woes EMC

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Hi Folks,


This latest update to Emby for WMC has thrown me for a loop. I've kept my interface pretty much the same since the MB2 days. Since release of MB3, and through the transition to Emby, I've been using ROC theme, but the new problem I describe here persists if I change to other themes.


First problem: Simply put, empty folders that never showed before in Emby now show up.


I use Emby for very simple things. I have a few top level folders (Movies, TV Series, Documentaries, Other). In each of those four main folders I plop my content, in named subfolders. Many of those subfolders representing TV Series are empty, because I only keep unwatched series on my server... once watched, I remove the content but leave the named folder there until the next season becomes available.


So, on the hard drive, I might have a folder like this:


D:\TV Series\Falling Skies\Season 3\


Within that folder there would be some number of MKV files representing the content originally ripped from discs.  After watching them, I would delete the \Season 3\ folder while waiting for Season 4 to show up from Netflix, but the \Falling Skies\ higher level folder would remain (in large part, as a reminder to me to keep checking for the release of the next season).  But I would never see EMPTY folders show up in the Emby view. So, Falling Skies wouldn't be visible in Emby until I put a new season of episodes in there.


After the update of the Emby for Media Center, and at about the same time the server, now I'm seeing all those empty folders as blank spots in the list of TV shows available. It's awful.  At first I thought maybe it was an incompatibility with the now dated ROC theme, so I tried several others (currently trying Subdued) and they all still show the blank spots where the empty folders are.


HOW do I turn off display of empty folders? What changed to make them show up?


I do use CoverArt, and I've got Legacy Browsing mode enabled because I don't want to have to define things on the server... I just want it to obey my folder structure for gosh sakes.


Other problems I've noticed immediately following the update:


-In ROC, all the aspect ratios of the coverflow covers suddenly became too tall and skinny aspect ratio. This wasn't the case until immediately doing the update. 100% positive the update did this. In fact, it was the update to EMC because I didn't update the server until after noticing this problem. I only keep stable server builds, I don't do the betas.


-Since the update, the new themes I've chosen have all performed slowly and clunkily compared to ROC.


I just want my system to look and perform exactly like it did before these updates. What do I need to do to restore it? Keep in mind I'm not the only user of the system... I don't want to train anyone else in a new theme that looks / acts differently.


Thanks for any help!



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Thanks ebr


It's odd that I just saw the effect now... must be a weird edge case of my combination of ROC, Legacy Browsing, and whatever else is unique about my setup.


So... I've moved the empty folders out of "TV" (with some grumbling, to be sure, please bring back the hide empty folders thing... I posted in that thread you mentioned).


The other thing going on I need to fix is a lot of my artwork isn't showing in various TV series. For example I've got five episodes of Hannibal season 1. I've got all the metadata for the various episodes, but in Emby they just show a default Emby-supplied picture. And the Cover picture for the series is blank (despite being present in the folder).


Any idea how to goose this back to working? The artwork showed fine right before the update.


This is an update I really wish I hadn't taken...


I tried Emby Theater just for kicks, but it's mixing up my Documentaries with my TV Series... Where's the current tutorial on how to set things up so that whatever client I use will obey my folder arrangement? Thanks



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I feel your pain Marc. I don't know why they just didn't leave well enough alone. The previous version of Emby WMC was working great  and served me well, now folders that once had artwork are also no longer recognized. Had to go into each individual folder that was not recognized and hit identify.  I'm wondering if they will put things back to the way they were or at least give us the option to roll emby back to a previous working version.

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The client had to change to stay compatible with the server changes.


My suggestion would be to move off of Legacy browsing and see if things improve.  With the combination of view grouping and enhanced presentation options in the web client user settings area, you should be able to achieve the same presentation as the old legacy browsing mode.

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Something odd has happened and now i see banner graphics instead of poster or folder images. It was in two of my four main folders but now is just in one of them (TV Series). I use coverflow views.


Any idea what could cause this or how to fix? I've checked in cover art and the theme options/views with no joy.

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I don't think so... In the view settings it is set to coverflow. I also tried poster and thumb. Same squished banner strip shows. Could I be looking in the wrong place? I can post a screen shot tonight. Settings look to be same as other folders that display properly. Thanks for your help much appreciated!

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Thanks @@ebr!


Problem sorted thanks to your help. Here's what was going on. I am using ROC theme. It's view menu doesn't allow selection of banners/backdrop/etc. as shown in your pic above. It just lets me pick coverflow/details/thumb etc.. So there was no way to change away from banners to the proper option.


In troubleshooting my original problem (empty folders showing up, and wrong aspect ratio on covers) I had gone into some other themes and must have accidentally clicked on Banners in the view menu while in that other theme. The banners (for my TV folder) persisted when I switched themes back to ROC (not sure if this is a bug or a feature). But there was (in ROC) no way to switch back.


I probably should investigate a currently-supported theme and the current way of handling folders to avoid legacy mode as we've discussed. I will work on this some more over the next week or two as time allows but for now it's all good. My covers are back, albeit with wrong aspect ratio in ROC...


Thanks again for your help. >23k posts. Wow. Just... wow!



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Just for clarity for anyone reading, the fix involved switching to classic theme, going to the folder of interest, entering the view menu, and switching off banners and returning to poster view or whatever graphics. Then I could go back to ROC and all was well.


Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using Tapatalk

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