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Processing Userdata


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I successfully reset my DB yesterday using 1.1.77.  Syncing  3300 movies, 12000 episodes and 12000 songs took about 3 hours.  I then started to see a notice that emby was "processing userdata" and "compressing database"  this went on for another 8 hours.  My question is how do I suppress the notification.  Turning off "show sync process", "messages" and "content notification" does nothing.  Processing Userdata is constantly flashing on and off and is beyond annoying.


Any advise appreciated.


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The music rating creates a feedback in the websocket. Did you ever notice? Every song processed during the initial sync creates a userdata update server side...




The show sync progress is the one to disable. However, if the sync was already going at the time, it would not affect it because the dialog is already created. Disabling the setting will only affect dialog display for future syncs. Test it, disable the show sync progress, then like/dislike something in the webclient to see if you see the dialog update in Kodi. I have just tested it myself, and it works correctly.

Edited by Angelblue05
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The music rating creates a feedback in the websocket. Did you ever notice? Every song processed during the initial sync creates a userdata update server side...

Is this why i'm seeing this

23:13:01 T:40180  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
23:13:01 T:40180  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
23:13:01 T:40032  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: onDatabaseUpdated: video
23:13:04 T:40180  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
23:13:04 T:40180  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
23:13:04 T:40032  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: onDatabaseUpdated: video
23:13:07 T:40048  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
23:13:07 T:40048  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
23:13:07 T:40032  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: onDatabaseUpdated: video
23:13:10 T:40076  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
23:13:10 T:40076  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
23:13:10 T:40032  NOTICE: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: onDatabaseUpdated: video

It goes on for a couple thousand lines, can see the skin flicker every time it updates the DB


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The snippet doesn't show anything from Emby. Make sure you set the add-on log level to Info.


My experience is the following: I have 1400 songs. The initial sync completes and during that time, I received 1400 userdata update for songs, which the add-on then proceeds to update the playstate for all my songs, right after the initial sync completes.

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Ok i refreshed the music folder in the metadata manager and i don't get the requests to update playstate, the skin helper is not going nuts with notices and the DB doesn't appear to be getting violated over and over lol

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Ok i might have just pissed it off refreshing the metadata because it's now refreshing the playstate on 76 albums instead of the 14 albeit not a frequent as before

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Thanks for the explanation.  Tried your recommendation and was still seeing "%0 Compressing Database" flashing so to force the issue I tried a manual sync, once completed all was well. 


Thanks again for your valued help.

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If you see compressing database, you can go to Kodi settings > Video > Library tab > Hide progress of library updates (enable the setting). That should make the compressing database message go away permanently.

Edited by Angelblue05
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Is the sync supposed to go over and over and over the same song repeatedly?


I forgot to mention in the other thread that Kodi was started and left alone not doing anything for about 5 mins while the log was generated, no playing music, changing settings, start Kodi, let everything sync, leave it for 5 mins and then close.


edit: Oh and on my Shields the constant sync/compression causes most video to stutter and on the odd occasion mp3's stutter as well.

Edited by browned
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