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Remote access with a raspberry


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I gave a raspberry Pi2 to my mother so that she could have access to my movie server.  I setup the PI with OSMC and install kodi with Emby plugins.  It is working great!!!  Really the best of both world mix together.  Big thank you to all the developers!!!


My question is :  When I reboot. or make change on my router,  my IP address change, and then my mother could not access my server because it is setup with the old address. 


Is there a way that kodi on my mother PI could always find my server. without the need to renter the new IP address.  Plex use only the name of the server and update it self accordingly....


I probably missing something obvious, 


Thank you


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Best way around this is a static IP address. If you can't get that in your home setup then use a dynamic IP address. There's many services out there that will allow you to set this up for free, for example NoIp.com

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I don't know how far along it is but there is a feature request for the kodi addon to support emby connect which would make the above unnecessary

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It will come eventually. The documentation regarding emby connect and implementing it does not exists (or I could not find it). I have to check how other apps are doing it and convert it into python code.

Edited by Angelblue05
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Actually which ip do you mean? Your external ip or your server ip?

All the above refers to your external ip, if your server ip is changing you just need to assign it a static ip yourself

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Of coarse I mean external IP  I've been using static IP on all my computer for a long time now.  


In fact I think I will be OK.  I don't think my ISP is changing my IP.  I've made the mistake to think this because I use a VPN.  That is why I always see the remote access change every time I log on my VPN. 


I've simply open a port on the VPN and everything is fine now!!!


Thank you for your suggestion. 



the Emby connect function would be a great addition in the kodi plugin!!!

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Of coarse I mean external IP I've been using static IP on all my computer for a long time now.


In fact I think I will be OK. I don't think my ISP is changing my IP. I've made the mistake to think this because I use a VPN. That is why I always see the remote access change every time I log on my VPN.


I've simply open a port on the VPN and everything is fine now!!!


Thank you for your suggestion.



the Emby connect function would be a great addition in the kodi plugin!!!

Well you didn't specify and from your description it was ambiguous as to what your meant so I just wanted to clarify


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Is the OSMC experience better than the Kodi (Isengard) one?  I installed it for Kodi on a pi 2 I was doing for a friend, and I hate to say it, but it was a horrible experience.  I should have just bought a damn Roku for them instead.  35 minutes to sync my library?  And it still would not have a clean interface.  WTF does it need to sync my library for?  Why does it look so bad? Perform so horrible?

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The thing that I learn with the PI is that it need a good supply and a good cables.   You absolutely need a 2.0A supply and I find that some cheap cables may cause some troubles too.  


Also, and most importantly,  you need a good SD card.  cheap cards are not fast enough!!!  and your PI experience will suffer from it.  It really make a huge difference!!  Don't be cheap with the card you use.  You can buy a 16G or even a 8G card.  It is more than enough and it won't break the bank. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks, I'll look into it after pushing out the next beta version. :)


Just wondering, any update on the progress of this, or if you have had a chance to start working on it?  Looking to get Kodi set up at a remote location from my emby server, and was curious.

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