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Best way to server DSLR Photos


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I'm testing Emby right now, and I'm quite impressed with its quality.
My only last concern is about photos sharing.

My DSLR files are quite big (about 5 or 6 MB each file), and it takes a long time to load a photo on my clients (RPI and wifi laptops)
I'd like to know how to improve it.

  • Export all my photo catalog in a lighter version (let's say 1MB max for each file).
    But how to maintain this lighter mirror?

  • Let Emby transcode photo in a lighter version, depending connection and client device.
    But I don't know if it's possible, neither if my little celeron can achieve it quickly.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

good thing i searched before posting - because i'm looking for something very similar.


I have about 50GB of photos now... i want to have a "lighter" version as well so that I can sync to my phones/tablets. I tried to run a sync job with it, and specified quality is "low" but that didn't seem to do it. I know there are apps that can batch process a directory and shrink images ,but I really would love to have Emby do it, since we already have sync capability. 

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the server will already encode the image to a smaller size and then cache the result for future requests. of course, for images of that size it could take a little time so the first-time loading experiences in each of the apps might suffer a little. but the results are cached.

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