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Remote control for MBT


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Hi  Does anyone know if the remote from Origen ae works with MB3? - I have read that the old ones where MCE remotes, but I don't know about the new models??

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I also use an MCE remote - no problems. Last piece of the puzzle for me is being able to start MBT via green button....

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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to be able to use a different remote to control my Win 7 MCT machine because I have it connected to the same TV as a Ceton Echo extender, which uses a standard MCE remote.  I didn't want to have both devices responding to the same remote key presses.  I found an old USB UIRT receiver (IR Blaster from an old Myth TV setup I had several years back) and an old DirecTV remote control in the basement.  I installed EventGhost on the MCT machine and plugged in the USB UIRT.  I then pressed the arrow keys on the DirecTV remote and dragged the events over to the appropriate actions under Keyboard Emulation in EG.  I set EG to autostart with Windows in the options, and rebooted the machine.  Win 7 autologons and MBT autostarts.  The DirecTV remote was functional enough to work in MBT...  The arrow keys, select, play, pause all work -- which is good enough to get around.  I have a laptop on the coffee table I can VNC into the MBT machine if I need to do anything more than that.


Anyway -- just thought I'd post what worked for me in case anyone is trying to do anything similar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have a harmony one that cannot be updated. It is set up to run and launch wmc fine. Is there anyway I can force mediabrowser theater to load by pressing one of the buttons already built into my remote. I've tried to set up a simple hotkey of a single press of a number like "1" to launch it, but it doesn't load. I can get it to load with mapping it to say "ctrl p" on the keyboard, but can seem to get it to load with one of the button press commands already in the remote.

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I have the Harmony 880 that's worked well with MBT. Never knew about the Win+1, etc shortcut keys, I will definitely have to look at that one. The 'Exit All' command sounds good too! 

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Best solution I've found is tivo slide remote.  Bluetooth connection to PC, nice remote control layout, and includes a keyboard in the controller.  For win 8.1 metro apps I also added a bluetooth touchpad to the HTPC.

Edited by Deathsquirrel
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So I have a harmony one that cannot be updated. It is set up to run and launch wmc fine. Is there anyway I can force mediabrowser theater to load by pressing one of the buttons already built into my remote. I've tried to set up a simple hotkey of a single press of a number like "1" to launch it, but it doesn't load. I can get it to load with mapping it to say "ctrl p" on the keyboard, but can seem to get it to load with one of the button press commands already in the remote.

Out of curiosity, why can't the remote be updated?

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  • 4 months later...

Works fine for me with a standard WMC remote.

@gcw07: When pressing play on your remote, does the movie play in MBT? With my MCE Remote pressing play in MB Classic works well but in MBT the movie does not play. Is there any additional info that I can provide that will assist in determining why? Thanks for any help.



EDIT: OK. Got it to work. Looks like my setting in EventGhost affected it. Don't know why however.

Edited by lja
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Currently I use the Logitech (used to be Dinovo) mini keyboard. Works perfect for what I use it for since I dont have cable or anything and solely use the PC. When I had directv I had an MCE remote, which I also used to teach my universal remote the MCE commands, both worked great. I dont know what it is but I went through about 4 IR receivers though in 2 years since they would just stop working after a while.


Another thing you can try if you really want complete and easy control over your remote is Intelliremote I used it for a while and it was great, plenty of profiles for different software. And you can assign any button on the remote to do just about anything you can think of. Plus it doesnt require any scripting for the most part. Though its not free which sucks.

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Harmony one. When it breaks (5years and counting) I shall buy another, it's just perfect



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Harmony one. When it breaks (5years and counting) I shall buy another, it's just perfect



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


They don't make the Harmony One any more - it was replaced by the Harmony Touch which doesn't feel quite as nice ergonomically.

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The Baron

I have a Harmony 650, Harmony have created a custom Media Center remote called 'Windows Media Center SE'. It basically gives you large amount of controls you can play with: http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Harmony-Remotes-Programming/Expanded-control-for-Windows-Media-Center-now-available-in-our/td-p/374844


Also, The new Logitich Harmony software allows you to map a keyboard key to any button on the remote. So, I have the remote 'Info' button mapped to the * key, for example.


One other trick I use, In Windows, pressing Win+1 will maximise the first item in the task menu. So, I added the MBT shortcut to the taskbar, in the first position. When the Win+1 key is pressed on the remote, MBT opens. 


I used the Harmony software to map Win+1 to the Red button.

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I have a MCE Remote , i program the media center button to open MBTH but a lot of button dont work back , play/stop , rewind  , forward. Any tips work perfect in XBMC and Media Classic but I don't like Media Classic

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