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how to use WITHOUT emby connect?


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Emby connect make permanently trouble in my server


the login is nerly impossible to switch between 2 ou more user in the same station. it ask me 300X the password before  UNDERTANDING tha i'm  ME


It FORCE the ENGLISH language that NO one at my house will never use

It declare mostr of time that my server is down  and this is FALSE


SO i NEED to use my server MYSELF w<ithout emby connect

but i MUST use it to set new user, invite, and passowrd etc.


i realy can't understant THIS


if EMBY is not able to land to my server,  to see it is ON,  to use the language on the membre and pass this info to the server. etc etc 

to REALMY CONNECT to my server



WHAT to do with it????

Edited by studio-jurdan
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Use a dynamic DNS service so that you have a friendly domain name for your server.  Then be sure your router is setup properly to forward the ports to your Emby server machine.


Then just connect with whatever app you wish using the Dynamic DNS name you setup.

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The only time you may want to use Emby connect is when not on your LAN.  And if not on your LAN the you can use Emby Connect or your WAN/DDNS address.



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i almready use a DDNS ;-))

If only i knew that before.... i'd 1 week off time not used



ANds i thinks it is better to use DDNS, because invitation with emby connect that come to a friend got in the trash directly. it never seem to be send by me.

i send real mail, with form, with french, witrh my writing style, and with cert dsdign, also with some  with crypt too. so when a friend have a mail from emby connezctr he push it in the trash or spam.  my own mail seems like signed, cripted newsleter. 


I thinks that i'ts a minum to can modify the message tpo send, a preview it before sending ;-)

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i'm not using emby connect myself, i simply told my family members the external ip and port and to skip the signup for an account. 


works like a charm, only thing i have to make sure of is that the port is enabled in the router otherwise it will not work.

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You will also have to keep your family updated on the IP address when it changes



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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