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After update 1.1.16 not get Emby updates, I added two movies and they do not migrate to any kodi.


Can you post your log ? And let us know the time you added the movies to your emby library? Thanks.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I added film makes one day and has not migrated. I added another today and did not migrate.


my log



print in recent Emby




Recent my kodi



Posted (edited)

Ok, I see unrelated an error, which will be corrected in the next version. However it's quite strange, according to your log,  it tried to add the item, but failed to find the emby Item when we queried the server. Also next time, do not enable Kodi debug. It makes it impossible to troubleshoot the add-on. Just enable the add-on debug set to Info (Emby for Kodi settings > advanced tab > change the log level to Info).


I'm not exactly sure why it's not able to find the item on your server, can you please fix your log settings, and redo the same step you did and post your log once more? This should show us more info, thanks :)

Edited by Angelblue05

You still didn't disable Kodi debug..... 


Is this what you added to your server?

01:08:12 T:6488  NOTICE: EMBY WriteKodiVideoDB -> UPDATE movie to Kodi Library, Id: 2c35841ec7fde1f6b062a9cfa754ce1d - Title: Uma Nova Chance Para Amar
01:08:12 T:6488  NOTICE: EMBY WriteKodiVideoDB -> UPDATE movie to Kodi Library, Id: 619e1ff1ab7347fcee87c956008aad87 - Title: Uma Longa Viagem
01:08:12 T:6488  NOTICE: EMBY WriteKodiVideoDB -> UPDATE movie to Kodi Library, Id: 15ddb504a8d6ef59889c526f6cbd7a17 - Title: Uma Longa Queda
01:08:12 T:4356  NOTICE: Invoking URL: http://api.yousee.tv/rest/tvguide/programs/tvdate/2015-07-25/channel_id/2/format/json
01:08:12 T:6488  NOTICE: EMBY WriteKodiVideoDB -> UPDATE movie to Kodi Library, Id: d1bc1ba02bdca8d3667bb1b2cb316cb1 - Title: Um Milhão de Maneiras de Pegar na Pistola

I seems to fail on this item, 1840fd09b701a91427ddbe671c9861a8 because of the error. Hopefully with the version I've attached to the post, it will allow you to get further and perhaps correct your issue.


Install the zip I've attached and repeat again one more time. It contains the fix for the error that's preventing the process to go further. Please disable the Kodi debug(settings > system > debugging > uncheck debug). Thanks :)


Posted (edited)



  I have not downloaded your version because yesterday was already too late here. Today I saw my Emby this updated to 1.1.17. However even so not updated my movie list.

  I added more films to Emby server and does not migrate. :(
see my log


Edited by Iorifly
Posted (edited)

Ok, you can use stable until we announce the next beta version. The latest version are not working so great, so we are working extra hard to get it back on track. The custom version fix was not included in 1.1.17 (as it was already released). For some reason, when we go to process one of your items, it returns that it's not found on your server. It gets stuck on a typo in the code and fails to update your content. In the custom version, I corrected the typo so the process can continue without the error.


Also, disable Kodi debug for your future logs. You are making it very difficult for us to see only what's important for the Emby for Kodi add-on. 


Please disable the Kodi debug(settings > system > debugging > uncheck debug). Thanks :)

Edited by Angelblue05
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    Come on .....

   If I put her ugly version on order (Thank you, you always note in 1000 !!!) it will not automatically update to version 1.1.17 ???? It has as I put his and he did not update? Only if I remove the repo .....
   And I disabled debugging

Your log is correctly set! Thanks! :)


You can use stable and disable auto-updating for add-ons. To do that, simply go to settings > addons > open the side menu (usually it will be a left click to make the menu slide out) and then, disable auto-update or set it to notify only. You can then uninstall beta and install stable and it won't get updated to beta unless you tell it to update. We will announce when the next beta release is available. Thanks for testing beta. :)

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   Your file worked! It was not even necessary to clean the library ... was enough to remove and install your version.

    I can help by sending any data?
It's all OK.
  • Like 1

Perfect! This won't be necessary, the fix will be available for the next beta version. Thanks again @@Iorifly :)


It is a pleasure to help, even in a minimal way!


   thanks for the support ever!

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When will this fix be pushed?


Yes. :)

  • Like 1

Thanks. Will enable the update!

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