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A can it be done question


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I've done some looking around on the Web, and needless to say, for someone of my lack of knowledge, it's confusing. But, since we have a bunch of smart folks here, I thought I'd see if I could get some insight on whether to dig deeper.


Basically, what I'd like to do is build an interface (movies & videos only) that accesses my Emby libraries for visual display (choosing a movie or video) that would then play in Windows Media Player, separate from Media Center. It wouldn't have to be highly adjustable or configurable, nor include other devices than the computer it's on. Just a way to browse my libraries and select a movie or video to watch.


Can something like that be done? If so, is it beyond the reach of someone with no real programming experience?

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Check out Media Player Classic Remote Control for Media Browser - it's a little tray app that runs on your PC. You browse your content using the usual WEB UI, and select this app as the player. Then when you click play in the Web UI - MPC-HC is launched and plays your content.


Not exactly what you're after - but it maybe sufficient for your needs. It's what I use on my personal PC.

Edited by AdrianW
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Does it have to play in windows media center? Can it play in the browser or another application?

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Does it have to play in windows media center? Can it play in the browser or another application?


He did specify Windows Media Player not Media Center.

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you can specify an external player...


but odd using WMP instead of WMC... 


scrap both use web interface.

Edited by trusselo
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Media Player works just fine for the way I watch movies. I don't really want to add yet another player.(MPC-HC). I just want a better way to browse my movies and open them in Media Player, than Windows Explorer.


I'm not looking for anyone to tell me how to do it, or even do it for me. I'm just trying to find out if it's doable, before I invest a lot of time looking for how to do it. (Though I wouldn't object to some hints in the right direction)

Edited by PBzeer
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I'd suggest you at least give MPC-HC a go - it's a much better player than Media Player and a hell of a lot easier to set up (no additional codecs required).

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The direct answer to your question is "yes" but I agree with Adrian.  The existing tool and MPC-HC give you the exact functionality you are asking for with an even better player.

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Thanks ebr, that's what I was trying to find out.


I've already got the codecs I need for Media Player (they make Movie Maker more functional as well), and all I do is hit Play and watch the movie through (with 5.1 audio). (I rip my movies to .mkv, with videos in mp4) Which is why I'm not really looking for another player.


SInce there's no rush, I figured (if it was doable) it would be a good learning experience, and give me more insight into the workings of Emby. 

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To help you, you can use one of the API libraries if you write your app in C#, Javascript or Java by using one of these:






It should have all calls you need to retrieve the library.

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I'd suggest you at least give MPC-HC a go - it's a much better player than Media Player and a hell of a lot easier to set up (no additional codecs required).

The direct answer to your question is "yes" but I agree with Adrian. The existing tool and MPC-HC give you the exact functionality you are asking for with an even better player.

Thanks ebr, that's what I was trying to find out.


I've already got the codecs I need for Media Player (they make Movie Maker more functional as well), and all I do is hit Play and watch the movie through (with 5.1 audio). (I rip my movies to .mkv, with videos in mp4) Which is why I'm not really looking for another player.


SInce there's no rush, I figured (if it was doable) it would be a good learning experience, and give me more insight into the workings of Emby.

You can lead a fish to water.......;)
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You can lead a fish to water.......

I'm already pretty good at downloading, not a lot to learn there, as there would be in trying to build my own.

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