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Resume not working


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I'm using Helix and Emby beta most recent version. The following occured after updating the most recent Emby beta, resetting the Kodi library via the Emby plugin, then restarting Kodi.


Basically I was watching a show, paused it, and came back to it a few hours later. I could see it was still paused at roughly 50%. Normally with paused shows, when I hit the select button on my remote, I'm given the option of either resuming or restarting. In this case, that option didn't come up; it simply restarted without asking. I checked the logs, which I've attached, and I can see that Emby properly noted the pause point so I'm not really sure why the menu option didn't come up, especially given that this was a pretty clean setup, so I thought I'd report it.


If you do a search in the log for "Cuisine" (it was a cooking show), you can see where I first watched it at around 13:00 and where I restarted it at around 18:30 if that helps debug. Thanks.


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