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Log of who watched what when?

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I'm testing this against my long running Plex install.


I like it.  :)


But one thing I really need for media mangement is a way to know who has watched what.


In Plex I currently use PlexWatch  and love how I can search on username, series name, episode name, etc.  :)


Is this doable in Emby?

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You can view the activity log but it's more designed for recent activity at a glance. The idea of viewing larger historical data is a nice one. we have the data but we don't' currently have a presentation for it.

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Good to know.  Is presentation on the radar/wish list?


If so, where on that is it?  Not looking for a 'next month' answer but more a 'after feature X' or 'when we get time' type answer.

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Koleckai Silvestri

If you have an SQLite processor installed, you can run queries against the activitylog.db file. Or even export it for use in a system like MySQL for more robust queries. 


An example to give the last 10 entries dealing with playback:


Select Name, ShortOverview from ActivityLogEntries WHERE Type LIKE 'Play%' ORDER BY DateCreated DESC LIMIT 10;


You can download SQLite here: https://www.sqlite.org/download.html


It is a good idea to make backups of any of the DB files and work against those and not your live files.

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there's nuvue http://nuvueapp.com/ with email forwarding, bit closer to what you want (android).


i remember the days of a sitebot (eggdrop) on irc, if i had time would love to set that up, but maybe ancient technology these days lol ;)

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Koleckai Silvestri

Actually what I want is this:


Report of watched activity by user. This would show what the user has watched over the last 30, 60, 90 days. 

Report of watched activity by series/season/episode. This would tell me who watched which shows and when they stopped watching it.


I don't want this forwarded to my email. Though exporting to XLS like other reports could be nice.

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Actually what I want is this:


Report of watched activity by user. This would show what the user has watched over the last 30, 60, 90 days. 

Report of watched activity by series/season/episode. This would tell me who watched which shows and when they stopped watching it.


I don't want this forwarded to my email. Though exporting to XLS like other reports could be nice.



This would be perfectly useful.  Although rather than limiting it to 90 days, just have it pull from the db & give a 'forever' list. w/ # of entries per page selectable.  


Search I think would be worth it too.

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  • 4 months later...


I will check watts is possible to do with your ideas.


Was there ever an update on this?   In reality if we get the page/css, and such in place, we could just allow user to add additional sql queries right?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Coming back to check on Emby again (really prefer opensource to closed, although Plex is getting better) and was wondering if this is implented yet?


I've switched to plexpy for Plex, which is friggin' awesome!

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  • 6 months later...

i have plex and im thinking of running an emby server as well; but plexpy for Plex is awesome and allows me to see who is on my server; what they are watching; device and the best thing which i care about is the IP address; this allows me to see everything; im looking to see if emby is going to get a plexpy type of data pull; it doesnt even need to be in depth as plexpy but something that will give the ip devices etc......wish plex had it built in but if emby built it in somehow that would be fantastic.  even if they can't build it in, i think there needs to have that type of tracking for people running servers.

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We have that info available right inside the emby server dashboard

But only in real time - no historical data unless you did thru the logs.  



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i know we're talking about separate software here. but being built-in would be much simpler for you. is this something that might have value to you as an Emby Premiere feature, with lots of pretty charts and graphs and all the data you need?

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Oh gawd yes!!  :)  


I'm already a lifetime subscriber, but I'd pay again for this feature.  

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This would be a huge help. Imagine seeing data like most active times, user activity, connection speeds, amount of downloaded data and so on. I keep getting request for the ability to have users see what everyone has been watching recently and an internal rating/comment system. Would be cool to see a movie being requested for you to watch because another user had watched it and thought it was great.

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Completely agree. A look-up system within server management is highly desired. It could easily be a Premiere function. I would LOVE to see an ORGANIZED screen with users who are on and what they are watching / last on and what they watched , click their names and see their viewing history organized by series/season, what they've completed or watched status. As you said, the data is there - now it's just up to somebody to build an interface to organize it. The logs are tedious and not a proper organization medium. This function would GREATLY add to the value of my Premiere subscription.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The activity log still also needs better details about the content that is being played or a hyper link that will take you to the content being played.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing with this myself in an effort to get some stats on the overall use of the system.


It's easy enough to just dump the data from activitylog.db but the key issue is the data has been stringed together as blocks of text rather than kept in individual fields - I guess so it can easily be displayed on the 'activity' screen as direct output.


.. so for example in a field you would see


'<user> has started playing <tv series> - <episode>' as a text string but in the same field you may well see '<user> has started playing <moviename>' - so there is no 100% foolproof way to grab the historic data out of the text.


Activity type, App used, Device used, Date and Time are all recorded - so the core data is there.


Having said that - I have exported the data to CSV and used Excel via Pivot tables to produce some very interesting trending data .. as a one off it's cool, but not sure how useful that would be as a community report.


<edit> Actually just seen the 'statistics' plugin and this goes a long way to achieving what I was after - no flash graphs yet but the core data is in there :)

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