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Sorting of album tracks not honoured when Kodi connected to Emby


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I was having some issues with my multi discs compilation albums and Emby, so I had to change the metadata tags to use the DiscNumber field and enter 1/2 or 2/2 etc.


I also initially had these albums titled as "Name of Album - CD1" or "Name of Album - CD2" I have now removed the - CD part from the titles and I am just relying only on the DiscNumber tag. 


After spending several hours editing all these types of multi disc albums, they are now being correctly displayed in the Emby web GUI as a single album, which when you click in to you can then see Disc1 and the tracks on that disc and if you scroll further down you can then see Disc2 and the tracks on that disc. 


Emby Web GUI:




The tracks are then displayed under their own Discs etc




Now the issue is with Kodi when its connected to Emby. 


In native Kodi still connected to MySQL I can go in to one of these compilation (e.g. Two discs) albums and initially the tracks were listed in a number order such as




After a tip on the Kodi forums I changed the album sorting in Kodi to TRACK then the number ordering of the tracks was correct




So the disc1 tracks were listed first in the correct track number order and then the disc2 tracks were listed beneath.


However if I do this in Kodi connected to Emby this "Track" sorting is not applied and the tracks are still listed in this order




e.g. the tracks from each disc are mixed up together. 


Artist: The Beatles

Album: 1967-1970

# of Discs: 2

Sorting Type: TRACK


Native Kodi / MySQL:


As you can see the Disc1 tracks are displayed first and are in the correct track number order:




Here in Windows Explorer you can see Disc 1 and the tracks in the same order




If I scroll further down this list in Kodi then after the last track #14 on Disc1 we then see track#1 of Disc2 etc





So it works OK in native Kodi. 


Kodi connected to Emby:


However if I select the same album sorting type of TRACK in Kodi connected to Emby




Then the tracks from both discs are mixed up and the sorting has not been applied




Some of the other sorting options seem to work however, for example if I change the sorting to "Duration" then both native Kodi / MySQL and Kodi / Emby will show the tracks in the correct duration order. "Rating" seems to work on both systems as well.





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