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Option to not sync unwatched status to Trakt & Trakt sync not working


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Right so today - the trakt plugin decided to mark 450+ episodes as unwatched in trakt! I moved and replaced some episodes, and saw I was missing a couple so got those and ran a sync.

Now I have to go through and manually mark each episode individually so I can set the watch time to some time in the past rather than today (not to mention actually losing the actual watch time-stamp). Infuriating!




I've marked them all as watched on Trakt. Running the sync trakt watch state task is not marking them as watched in my Emby library? I've run it multiple times.


Really need the option to not sync unwatched status to Trakt. Seems like a huge risk for issues as above, with very few situations you'd actually want this behavior.

Anyway should be simple to implement. Easy enough to mark something as unwatched in Trakt if you do accidentally mark it as watched via Emby.

Or need some sort of solution to avoid this issue of it being so easy to destroy ones data sitting in Trakt.

(Ideally Trakt should have a interface for viewing and undoing things done via API.)

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Ok figured out why it wasn't syncing. For some reason it had found the names and images for the episodes and everything looked ok, but it hadn't properly got the meta data and episode numbers so couldn't sync. Not sure why it didn't fetch that info?

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