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Missing Primary Image -- Forced Metadata Refresh


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Occasionally the primary image randomly disappears for some of the content.

It's there one day, gone the next.  

Most of the time, all the other images are still there (DVD cover, fanart, metadata description) and I must manually refresh the metadata for it to reload the primary image.


Would it be possible to configure MB to do an automated background refresh for anything missing its primary image?  Maybe once a day, or anytime new content is added it just looks for missing primary images and performs a reload. 


This issue has been occurring randomly for me for almost a year now and I have posted several other topics about it but it still keeps happening.  Perhaps if losing primary images cant be fixed, maybe having the software perform automated metadata refreshes would be the next best thing.

Edited by Chillout
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i don't' believe we have any issues with losing images, but we have seen other users swear that we were deleting their images, only to find out some other program was responsible. i don't recall but you might be able to find it via searching.

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I will configure Windows Photogallery and Media Player to exclude scanning the metadata folder I have set up to store all the images and report back if that helps.

Maybe it is just my computer if nobody else is having this annoying issue....



I'm still having the issue with random dissapearing primary images.. Perhaps its some other program messing up the images but it I'm at a loss what it could be. I run Kodi in parallel with MB and never have a problem with missing images with Kodi so they both must use different methods for storing images.

Edited by Chillout
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  • 1 month later...

Mediabrowser does delete images.

Try this and see if you can replicate it.


Create a movie folder, put a movie and an image in it:


The Autism Enigma.mkv

The Autism Enigma.jpg


Scan the library. 

It shows up in the library.

Edit the movie and identify it.

The image file is now gone.


I've done it three times now.

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yes you're right, that is one exception based on user feedback that re-identifying an item should clear out existing images. i will add a checkbox to make that optional (and clear). but we don't have any automated background processes that delete images

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Hi, Not sure where to post this query, but this seems the relevant post, so posting here.

I have installed Mediabrowser server in Ubuntu. After i added and scanned my media directories many movies doesn't have images. Movies are identified by MB with all metadata but didn't downloaded images, even on doing refresh or forced refresh in unpredictable behaviour it's downloading images for certain movies and for rest not downloading. Whereas when i go to image section and browse cloud images it does show the right images of that movie, but it's not downloading images automatically? 


Also though i have run scan on movies few times it's not automatically scanning all the movies and i have to go in Metadata manager to scan each movie manually to get metadata, which is pain if i have to do it for 1000+++ movies and few 1000s episodes.

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I've found that many images in my collection is now gone. If MB at least deleted them to the trash can I could have restored them, instead they are completely gone. Some of them are not east to find. :( 

What can I do now to prevent MB from deleting existing and correctly named images just because I identify the content? A little wary of trying dev builds as people seem to have troubles with their collections due to ongoing changes, I'd like to wait for an official build.

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well i thought i just answered it by saying we'd add a checkbox to make image replacement optional. in the meantime just don't use that feature and fill in tmdb/imdb id's manually.

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