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Best Linux distro for mb3?


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I wondered if there was a "best" distro recommended in regards to 1) ease of installation 2) stability and 3) ease of future upgrades.





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It is a bit of a personal preference at this point. Ubuntu is definitely the most stable distro that is supported and mainstream. Arch is more of a moving target in regards to the distro's base but I have been using it as a server for a year or so and haven't had an issue with it at all. I can't say about any distro that is rpm based.

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Thanks. I don't think my post was that clear...but I was wanting to ask in regards to running mb3 specifically. Does one distro have advantages vs another in regards to installing mb3?

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Thanks. I don't think my post was that clear...but I was wanting to ask in regards to running mb3 specifically. Does one distro have advantages vs another in regards to installing mb3?

that clearly depends on support of MB devs for specific distro. As you can see here, they already support ubuntu, centos, fedora, arch etc. and as long as they support them, you can use them. But I doubt that anybody can guarantee here, that all distros supported today will be supported next year.

For example I make dedicated virtual with latest ubuntu server LTS only for MB. I normally using centos but for MB I choose ubuntu because it was firts supported distro and thanks to big user base I expect that ubuntu will be supported for long time.

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Just a plug for my distro of choice, Arch has several advantages: you will always be running the latest software, the AUR packages will almost always be maintained because of the extremely active community, and it tends to be very lightweight.


I do have to mention the disadvantages: you will always be running the latest (sometimes buggy) software, you may need to step up to maintain the AUR package, and it is so lightweight that it doesn't have a graphical installer.

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