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RE: http://community.mediabrowser.tv/permalinks/15177/mb3-addon-in-xbmc

Hi All,

So I went ahead and hacked on PleXBMC over the weekend. I am now able to browse the MB3 server from XBMC. No meta-data, art or playback yet though :D

Total hack-job right now, but definitely think it is do-able with another few weekends of work.

Unfortunately I will not have time to continue on this for the next couple of weeks.

If any one else is interested in helping, I can throw it up on git.


Edited by xnappo
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does that iamge url work in your browser?


does that iamge url work in your browser?

Yes - I can copy and past the URL from the log and they all work fine.


Do I need to append authorization to the request? 





I can parse the XML at /Images, then find the thumb actual location (eg \\jupiter\e\Video\Movies\Blade Runner (1982)\thumb.jpg), then convert that to a 'smb' path... And that will work.  But I hate it.




so it can't accept a url? that sounds like it might be it.


so it can't accept a url? that sounds like it might be it.

Yes, it can accept a URL - this URL works fine:



I think somehow it doesn't recognize the image as a file - maybe because there is no extension..




the response headers have the correct mime type though


the response headers have the correct mime type though

Yep - I don't know what the difference is between the working URL and the MB3 server URL.




Was that even showing the CoverArt treatment?  Good job, I like this.  Probably my biggest issue with XBMC is how the library database responds to changes.


Yep - CoverArt comes from the server...


I agree - the database response in XBMC is a pain - also the main reason I want this.  At least until the OpenElec MBT :D



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Bravo on all the work here xnappo.  Maybe not the ideal end solution that the devs have in mind for MB3 (linux, etc...) but is a huge asset to both get more users and get a client on linux, etc.. etc...  It's especially nice because it gets xbmc users to shift over without having to abandon xbmc.  Top notch work.


I will wait until you remove the PleXBMC requirement.  Looks awesome!  I already use MB Server and MBC on my WMC machines, the android client, and iOS client, now I can use this on my 4 Raspberry PIs running XBMC!!!!

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Cool, I am willing to test this plug-in!!


Bravo on all the work here xnappo.  Maybe not the ideal end solution that the devs have in mind for MB3 (linux, etc...) but is a huge asset to both get more users and get a client on linux, etc.. etc...  It's especially nice because it gets xbmc users to shift over without having to abandon xbmc.  Top notch work.


i am an xbmc user and xnappo's app doesn't entice me over to to using Mb3, as if i want to access the files i can just browse to the video location and play it without the need to go through an addon

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i am an xbmc user and xnappo's app doesn't entice me over to to using Mb3, as if i want to access the files i can just browse to the video location and play it without the need to go through an addon

Maybe entice was the wrong word.  What I'm saying is I can try out MB Server and use xbmc as a client, without having to give up xbmc.


i am an xbmc user and xnappo's app doesn't entice me over to to using Mb3, as if i want to access the files i can just browse to the video location and play it without the need to go through an addon


With the add-on you get mb3 metadata, user data, and mb3 features.

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Maybe entice was the wrong word.  What I'm saying is I can try out MB Server and use xbmc as a client, without having to give up xbmc.



With the add-on you get mb3 metadata, user data, and mb3 features.


the only thing i get from the MB3 back end is the dashboard, as i tried using this app on my android xbmc app and found it extremely slow yet if i added a whole folder of tv shows at my dad's (@CBers) directly to xbmc and that was able to browse and play as quick as anything within 30 seconds yet it was taking nearly 5 minutes just to show the tv collection from MB3.


ok, so then log an issue about that and we'll get that figured out.

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