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Docker Tags (Major.Minor Wildcard)


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Can you start tagging the major.minor releases? I don't pull latest or beta or whatever. I'd like to pull emby/embyserver:4.8 (or tag it as 4.8.* or something). I don't use latest because that can jump minor versions.

I did do a quick google search, but didn't see it, however, if someone knows if docker compose supports, or will support wildcards, that would work as well.

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You can find the releases/tags here:


There is no major/minor (4.8, or 4.7 for example) revision tags, only stable /beta.

You've only really got 3 options; use the stable tag, the beta tag, or manually select a specific release tag. You'd have to manually choose a new tag each time you want to update with the third option.

Typically beta releases are formated as x.x.0.x with stable being x.x.x.0 (so stable vs beta


Docker only updates/pulls images when explicitly told to. You could just use the stable tag, and verify which release is current before running the pull command to update. The server dashboard will also list which version(s) are available vs what you have installed, when a newer version is available.

Edited by darkassassin07
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Yup, that is where I look for them and I know what tags are currently available, that is why I was asking for new tag.

I am lazy and I don't want to go out there every time I pull. I have other services in my docker-compose file, and I have a custom Emby plugin that generally works within a Major.Minor but will sometimes break with a Minor update, which is why I asked for a new tag to be created.

Not a big deal. I thought it would be somewhat simple to update their script that pushes tags in there to add a new one based on major.minor which is why I asked.

What would be even better is if docker-compose supported semnatic versioning syntax like npm.

I might also just write something to query docker hub, and replace it in my docker-compose file for me, but again...lazy.

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Emby releases don't really follow semantic versioning, so sticking to something like major.minor won't guarantee no breaking changes.

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