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Stop Recording Already Watched Eps


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I need a picture that will stop recording episodes that has already been watched, I keep seeing recordings pop up that already has a green check mark, however the recording has been deleted because it was no longer needed, but if I deleted it I don't need it to record again.

Is there already a option that I'm missing or a feature / plug in I need to resolve this?

If not, can this option be added at the time when the duplicate recordings bug is fixed?

Seems like it should be a pretty simple option to add, should be on the scheduled task for each show.  If selected, the show will not be recorded if the show has been recorded previously, been watched at least 1 time and deleted. :)

Is this a possibility?

Save me from having to push the stop button every time I see a green check mark

Thanks in advance


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HI, if you delete it, then then it doesn't match the option "don't record episodes already in my library".

That option will be getting expanded to provide you with the control that you need as discussed in the other topic.

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