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Help with Movie Collectorz


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Hola!... aclaro que traduzco el texto original espanol con Google Traslator ...

Alguien puede ayudarme con esta consulta.... tengo toda mi coleccion de peliculas catalogada con Movie Collectorz....

como puedo hacer para cargar la pagina web de mi cuenta de Collectorz  con todos los detalles del film cada vez que selecciono una pelicula en Emby? 

o sea que, Emby tome los datos de esa web de Collectorz para mostrar los detalles de la pelicula tales como actores, duracion, sinopsis, etc.
se entiende?

y sino se puede, por lo menos introducir un link que me lleve a esa pagina web de collectorz....

muchas gracias!!!



Hello!... I clarify that I translate the original Spanish text with Google Translator...

Can someone help me with this query... I have my entire movie collection cataloged with Movie Collectorz...

How can I load my Collectorz account web page with all the film details every time I select a movie in Emby?

That is, Emby takes the data from that Collectorz website to show the details of the movie such as actors, duration, synopsis, etc.
it is understood?

And if not possible, at least enter a link that takes me to that collectorz website....

thank you so much!!!

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Hi, I've never heard of Movie Collectorz. There is no integration that I'm aware of.

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I use their software for cataloging my physical collections.


They don't have any public api as far as I know and I've looked into it a few times.

They do support some exporting (xml, csv, html), but I think that's it.

I think it's possible for plugins to act as external link providers, so, theoretically, maybe a plugin could ingest an xml export from Collectorz and use a shared metadata provider id to recognize that the movie is also in Emby...but Collectorz doesn't seem to support deep linking into its apps or its online cloud connect service. So, there's nothing to link to.

The collectorz folk just don't seem interested in opening up their apps/services in any way to third parties, so there's not much that can be done integration wise.

Edited by roaku
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gracias por responder tan rapido!

Yo piensaba que no era tan dificil que emby asi como toma los datos de imdb u otro sitio similar, pudiera tomar los datos de la base de datos de mi catalogo publicado en mi cuenta de moviecollectorz on line....

De todas las maneras, no existe una forma de agregar un cuadro a la parte de metadatos asi como esta la de imdb, moviedb, etc, que sea para personalizar, y ahi yo pondria el link a mi pagina del catalogo... que aunque no sea para tomar los datos sirva para ir a esa web a ver los datos cargados en el catalogo? se entiende?

muchas gracias de nuevo!



Thank you for answering so quickly!

I thought it wasn't so difficult that emby, just as it takes data from imdb or another similar site, could take data from the database of my catalog published in my online moviecollectorz account...

In any case, there is no way to add a box to the metadata part like that of imdb, moviedb, etc., which is for customization, and there I would put the link to my catalog page... although Is it not for taking the data, is it useful for going to that website to see the data loaded in the catalog? it is understood?

thank you very much again!

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19 minutes ago, Danyel said:

gracias por responder tan rapido!

Yo piensaba que no era tan dificil que emby asi como toma los datos de imdb u otro sitio similar, pudiera tomar los datos de la base de datos de mi catalogo publicado en mi cuenta de moviecollectorz on line....

De todas las maneras, no existe una forma de agregar un cuadro a la parte de metadatos asi como esta la de imdb, moviedb, etc, que sea para personalizar, y ahi yo pondria el link a mi pagina del catalogo... que aunque no sea para tomar los datos sirva para ir a esa web a ver los datos cargados en el catalogo? se entiende?

muchas gracias de nuevo!



Thank you for answering so quickly!

I thought it wasn't so difficult that emby, just as it takes data from imdb or another similar site, could take data from the database of my catalog published in my online moviecollectorz account...

In any case, there is no way to add a box to the metadata part like that of imdb, moviedb, etc., which is for customization, and there I would put the link to my catalog page... although Is it not for taking the data, is it useful for going to that website to see the data loaded in the catalog? it is understood?

thank you very much again!



I think it's possible for plugins to act as external link providers, so, theoretically, maybe a plugin could ingest an xml export from Collectorz and use a shared metadata provider id to recognize that the movie is also in Emby...but Collectorz doesn't seem to support deep linking into its apps or its online cloud connect service. So, there's nothing to link to.


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22 minutes ago, Danyel said:

In any case, there is no way to add a box to the metadata part like that of imdb, moviedb, etc., which is for customization, and there I would put the link to my catalog page... although Is it not for taking the data, is it useful for going to that website to see the data loaded in the catalog? it is understood?

You could check community plugin:


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