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Camera Upload on iphone 8


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Hi there, 

I discovered Emby yesterday, loved it, installed it all over the house, got it working great, bought lifetime premiere. Everything works, except for automatic camera upload on my wife's iphone 8. I'm not really an iphone person (emby is working fine on my android phone) and ive turned on, camera uploads on her phone, i turned on wifi only, i didnt select any folders though because it didn't seem to have a pictures or photos folder. Can someone walk me through how i can get it to work?

Thank you. 

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I figured this out, just needed to plug the phone into the charger and it worked fine. Now i just need to figure out how to access it outside of the house.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Luke, 

Sorry for the delay. I did have a look, and unfortunately, I think either my router does not allow port forwarding or my ISP is using CG-NAT, which I believe also interferes. My router shows emby, in the list of assigned ports, but still doesn't allow an external connection. So I do not know if that is a router, my ISP or me. 

I'm going to get to the bottom of it because I'm all in on Emby as our personal cloud. 



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2 hours ago, JohnCo said:

Hi Luke, 

Sorry for the delay. I did have a look, and unfortunately, I think either my router does not allow port forwarding or my ISP is using CG-NAT, which I believe also interferes. My router shows emby, in the list of assigned ports, but still doesn't allow an external connection. So I do not know if that is a router, my ISP or me. 

I'm going to get to the bottom of it because I'm all in on Emby as our personal cloud. 



Hi, CGNat's are tough and may require a VPN or TailScale to get around it. But you're not alone as a lot of ISP's are using them now.

Please let us know what comes of this. Thanks !

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