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Error LibraryMonitor


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Good afternoon,

I found below error on my Emby server installed on Synology NAS. Please let me to know if need to fix or just ignore. My NAS have only 1GB Ram(Emby ocupy around 400 MB) and was necessary to eliminate Music library because all time stuck and was difficult to give any command. Was necessary to restart NAS again to can do changes. Last year I don't phase any issues like this. All start after my IPTV provider change m3u link.


2024-01-17 20:19:56.351 Debug TaskManager: Scan media library Completed after 2 minute(s) and 2 seconds
2024-01-17 20:20:15.981 Error LibraryMonitor: Error in Directory watcher for: /volume2/Media/Tv Show
*** Error Report ***
Command line: /volume2/@appstore/EmbyServer/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/packages/EmbyServer/var -ffdetect /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffprobe -nolocalportconfig -ignore_vaapi_enabled_flag -pidfile /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/EmbyServer.pid -defaultdirectory /volume1/Public -updatepackage emby-server-synology72_{version}_armv8.spk -noautorunwebapp
Operating system: Linux version 4.4.302+ (root@build8) (gcc version 12.2.0 (GCC) ) #69057 SMP Mon Nov 13 14:19:59 CST 2023
Framework: .NET 6.0.20
OS/Process: arm64/arm64
Runtime: volume2/@appstore/EmbyServer/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Processor count: 4
Data path: /var/packages/EmbyServer/var
Application path: /volume2/@appstore/EmbyServer/system
System.IO.IOException: System.IO.IOException: The configured user limit (8192) on the number of inotify watches has been reached, or the operating system failed to allocate a required resource.
No Stack Trace Available
2024-01-17 20:20:15.981 Error LibraryMonitor: Error in Directory watcher for: /volume2/Media/Film
*** Error Report ***
Command line: /volume2/@appstore/EmbyServer/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/packages/EmbyServer/var -ffdetect /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/bin/ffprobe -nolocalportconfig -ignore_vaapi_enabled_flag -pidfile /var/packages/EmbyServer/var/EmbyServer.pid -defaultdirectory /volume1/Public -updatepackage emby-server-synology72_{version}_armv8.spk -noautorunwebapp
Operating system: Linux version 4.4.302+ (root@build8) (gcc version 12.2.0 (GCC) ) #69057 SMP Mon Nov 13 14:19:59 CST 2023
Framework: .NET 6.0.20
OS/Process: arm64/arm64
Runtime: volume2/@appstore/EmbyServer/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Processor count: 4
Data path: /var/packages/EmbyServer/var
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Hi Luke,

Thanks for your fast respond. Unfortunately I am not very experienced user and can't find where to write this task. If is in Schedule tasks, this is not possible because there I can setup only time when the task is activated.

Please if can give more details!


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12 minutes ago, Bamba said:

Hi Luke,

Thanks for your fast respond. Unfortunately I am not very experienced user and can't find where to write this task. If is in Schedule tasks, this is not possible because there I can setup only time when the task is activated.

Please if can give more details!


No, it's done on your Synology NAS.  The problem isn't with Emby, it's because by default unix limits the number of inotify watches and instances.  So, after your library increases to a certain point you will need to bump those limits up.

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