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Lyric display problem


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1 hour ago, Luke said:

Hi, what exactly is the problem?

  • In supported programs, its correct display should be a word-by-word variation of the sentence currently sung. Because emby can only show the change of the entire line, the timestamp in the middle of each word in each line is also shown. Even if the program cannot change individual words, it should hide the timestamp in the middle of each word
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3 minutes ago, Luke said:

is it embedded lyrics or external?

I have removed the embedded lyrics from all of my song tags because it doesn't display the lyrics verbatim correctly.

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5 minutes ago, Luke said:

is it embedded lyrics or external?

Because the external lyrics are easy to modify. But I have too many songs. If I manually modify the lyrics of each song, it will be a very big project.

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58 minutes ago, Luke said:

Where did you get this lyrics file?

This is a word-for-word variation of the lyrics

Edited by suming
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In addition, there is another problem, the lyrics do not support bilingual display
For example:

[00:05.93]Fever dream high in the quiet of the night
[00:05.93]悄无声息的夜 模糊不清的梦
[00:08.28]You know that I caught it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
[00:08.28]你知道我从迷茫中捕获到了自己的心意(哦 没错 那正是我渴求)
[00:11.54]Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price
[00:11.54]坏男孩 像是高价的耀眼玩具
[00:13.99]You know that I bought it (Oh yeah, you're right, I want it)
[00:13.99]你知道我会将你买下吃定(哦 没错 那正是我渴求)
[00:16.51]Killing me slow, out the window
[00:16.51]让我慢慢欲罢不能 在窗户外
[00:19.24]I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below
[00:22.12]Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
[00:22.12]恶魔摇动手中的骰子 天使转动眼珠窥见异样


In this case, the focus is on the bottom line of the current time. Cannot highlight all current times

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6 hours ago, Luke said:

Who created this lyrics file?

Who created it? Many people create this kind of lyric file, which can also be called enhanced lyrics.

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11 hours ago, Luke said:

Who created this lyrics file?

Note that these are two items.Note that these are two feature requests. One is that enhanced is not supported.Note that these are two feature requests. One is that enhanced lyrics are not supported. The other is not bilingual.Note that these are two feature requests. One is that enhanced lyrics are not supported. The other is that it does not support bilingual highlighting at the same time.

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20 hours ago, Luke said:

Who created this lyrics file?

There is also a question, suggesting that the highlighted part of the lyrics be centeredimage.jpeg.29ffa24d1c0dde639f25d41143d6c3a6.jpeg

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  • 5 months later...

@LukeThe problem in the center of the highlighted part of the lyrics has not been corrected.

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