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Subtitles not working on Samsung S95B?


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Same problem over here. But only on external videos. Subs show 1 minute… getting behind and next loos8ng them all.

when I pre-download the subs and place them next to the .strm file most of them play with subtitles and not loosing them or getting out of sync. But what I say….. external videos. So I don’t want to pre-download anything.

now I run a python server run the external video through it and voila! Subs are playing just fine. Only problem is I now cannot seek forwards or backwards.


it is a problem in the Samsung app. Running the latest store version and also tested the usb version. Both same problem.

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Luke look, I have reported this problem 1 year ago with logs. You could not find a problem. If you really want the full logs, please send me your email. Because I won’t post reports anymore to the public. To much stuff in it what ain’t for other eyes.


I route the external urls now through this python script:

import http.server
import socketserver
from urllib import request  # Updated import
import os

PORT = 7777

class MyHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        user_agent = self.headers.get('User-Agent', '')

        # Detect the user agent of the request
        is_ipad_request = 'iPad' in user_agent

        if is_ipad_request:
            # Serve the external video URL directly for iPad requests
            external_url = request.unquote(self.path[15:])  # Extract the external video URL
            self.send_response(302)  # Redirect
            self.send_header('Location', external_url)
            # Your original code for serving files from the current directory
            if self.path.startswith('/transcode?url='):
                # Extract the external video URL from the request
                external_url = request.unquote(self.path[15:])  # Updated reference to request
                # Set the content-type based on the video file extension
                content_type = 'video/mp4'  # Modify as needed
                # Set the user agent to appear as Google Chrome
                headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36'}
                # Create the request with the modified user agent
                req = request.Request(external_url, headers=headers)
                # Send response headers
                self.send_header('Content-type', content_type)

                # Open the external URL with the modified user agent and stream its content
                    with request.urlopen(req) as response:
                        while True:
                            data = response.read(1024)
                            if not data:
                except Exception as e:
                    self.send_error(500, f'Error: {str(e)}')

            # If the request does not match the '/transcode' path, serve files from the current directory
            return super().do_GET()

Handler = MyHandler

# Use ThreadingHTTPServer for concurrent handling of requests
with socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(("", PORT), Handler) as httpd:
    print(f"Serving at port {PORT}")

This does not do any transcoding, but my stuff works now with fully working subtitles. Maybe a faster fix is if someone can modify my script so the seeking will work. (I excluded iPad, because that’s not a Samsung tv 😅 and that will play everything.)

but when playing by this script, I see direct play on the Emby dashboard without any errors or anything. Never seen a clean direct play before. Maybe there is some5hing wrong with the ffmpeg within Emby server on windows? Just strange that a script created by ChatGPT gives me cleaner plays than a clean standard Emby install 🫣

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2 hours ago, Maarten said:

Luke look, I have reported this problem 1 year ago with logs. You could not find a problem. If you really want the full logs, please send me your email. Because I won’t post reports anymore to the public. To much stuff in it what ain’t for other eyes.


Just send your logs to Luke via PM and tag him here to check his messages.

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