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Looking for Advice... When WiFi Drops


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Hi, I recently got unlimited data on my Samsung Galaxy S22, so I've been using Emby more in my car and walking around town.

I've noticed if I start playing music in the house or in the driveway while still connected to the wifi, and I leave and the phone disconnects from the wifi/establishes on the mobile data... that Emby kinda gets lost and I need to do a lot of closing the app, restarting the phone, unplugging and replugging from Android Auto, etc to get it to actually let me play music again.

I've been just disconnecting my phone from my wifi before I leave the house.  This works fine but if I forget, it becomes kind of a frustrating process of either not listening to anything or stopping the car and trying to reset everything until it works again on the mobile data.

I don't think it's a bug or anything, it's obvious it's doing it because it loses connection briefly as I leave the range of the wifi... but I'm just wondering if there's a better way for me to handle this?

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Download your audio before you leave the house and then it should play seamlessly. Then you don't need to deal with remembering to switch between cellular and Wi-Fi. 

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1 minute ago, lorac said:

Download your audio before you leave the house and then it should play seamlessly. Then you don't need to deal with remembering to switch between cellular and Wi-Fi. 

I suppose that would work, but I was pretty excited about the unlimited data plan so I wouldn't have to do that anymore. 😄

Plus I have some pretty giant playlists that I like to shuffle so that may not be very practical... and I'd still need to remember to download it so trading one thing to remember for another.

I'm guessing that probably means there isn't a more direct solution to the problem in the OP?

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