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Network error when turning TV back on, can't play videos.


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If you're in the Emby App when the TV is powered off, then later when the TV is powered back on, Emby shows a network error for a few seconds, then resumes.  But videos can't be played or resumed for a minute or more.  When this happens the time display shows the time the TV was turned off, not the current time.  You either have to quit & restart Emby app or wait it out.  You can tell when Emby is ready to play when the time display catches up.  Other streaming apps don't have this issue.  TV is a Samsung UN65KS8000, Emby app 1.0.94, server running on W10.

Any help would be appreciated.

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1 hour ago, Autofocus said:

@Luke Does this mean I have to install from the USB stick every month?

Unfortunately, yes.  Samsung stops accepting app updates for TVs after they're about 5 years old.  If you want to remain current, you will now need to install from usb and keep doing so every month as Samsung also expires these developer test apps approximately a month after compiling which is kind of meant to force people to only use apps tested and released officially from them in their store.

The only other option is to stay on the last build in the store for your model year which may eventually cause issues as Emby server changes.

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Well that is super frustrating.  It's not easy or quick to access the USB ports on these TVs, and I have four of them to do.  Every month?  That's asking a lot to keep my Emby Premiere system current.  

Can a non-expiring build be offered through other distribution channels?  It's outrageous Samsung imposes this policy on TVs that are still working perfectly and capable of running the latest apps.  It's my TV I can put whatever 1's and 0's I want on it.


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These Tizen developer releases are compiled on Samsung servers and the expiration is automatically added by them during compiling meant to be used for testing only.  Otherwise, software developers could skip them and not pay Samsung their huge fees.  Samsung would probably say it's for your safety though as they test all apps before uploading to the store.

The source could technically be given out and you could download the SDK to copy the files to your TV.  I wouldn't expect the devs to ever do that though.

Some people choose to just get an external device and not deal with it.

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