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I have a niche problem that I created a [not-perfect] solution for.

I want to create stub files for my media that I don't have converted from physical media yet. When I do have those movies converted, there are already folders to put them in, but creating the folders and the files by hand is tedious. In response to this dilemma, I created a script (having never really using PowerShell and through about 3 hours of research, trial and error) that would help me make these properly formatted stub files faster.

do {
	#Have user type in the Movie name and year using Emby Format;
	$proc = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Name and Year as `"NameOfFilm (YYYY)`". Otherwise, type `"done`"';
	#If user types "done", the script will exit the loop and exit the terminal;
	If($proc -eq 'done') {break};
	#Ask user for the movies' media type;
	$form = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input Movie Format (bluray, dvd, vhs)';
	#Sets "$file" variable using user prompted variables "$proc" and "$form";
	$file = "$proc\$proc.$form.disc";
	#Creates movie folder first, and then creates the file;
	New-Item $proc -type Directory | Out-Null;
	New-Item $file -type File -Value $proc | Out-Null;
	#shows that script has recorded file in the terminal;
	Write-Host "Recorded $file";
	#tests "$proc" variable: continues loop if not equal to "done";
}while ($proc -ne 'done')

At the moment, it is a user prompted script, so there is still some tedium, but it isn't as bad as it used to be. I have the script stored in the library location for my Movies, and run it when I want to add a new stub.  Once done, you can simply type "done" during the movie name prompt to close the script. 

With finessing, it could be reworked to use a spreadsheet as the source of the info, and I eventually want to do that (I'll need to learn more PowerShell scripting).


Posting this for anyone else who might have this problem and need a solution, or for anyone who wants to contribute.


V2:  New-Item Output is silenced through Out-Null, to cleanup the terminal during use.

stubMaker_v2.ps1 stubMaker_v1.ps1

  • Thanks 1
  • 3 weeks later...

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