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Custom link in user settings

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Am using emby with LLDAP and updating the password in LDAP directly isn't supported, I've a custom self service password app setup.
Is there a way to add a link in the user settings or convert the current password entry to link to my ssp app?

The current password element I hide by disabling the change password setting on the user (which wouldn't do anything anyway).

Am talking about this section/menu: 


I looked through the forum but only found ways to hide/disable items. Anyway to add?
Most convenient would be if I could just set a url in LDAP settings and that it would replace the element in the background for LDAP enabled users but since that isn't option am hoping I can add/modify it myself somehow.

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There is a per user option but it hides password and profile image options. "Allow this user to change their password and profile image"

But this css, something like this

[data-index="4"] [title="Password"] {display: none}




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Thanks for reacting but this is not what I was looking for. I already found this in another forum thread.

What I want to do is add a custom link to my self service tool for the LDAP that am running.
Is there a convenient way to insert another index with a custom url? 

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@ziggyds Can't be done in css.

You would have to edit the \system\dashboard-ui\settings\settings.htiml similar to how we applied personal-links here

Or possibly tweak the js.  Or maybe the password.html itself.

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Dirty copy and paste of personal-links to settings.html with minor tweak to top


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12 minutes ago, ziggyds said:

I'll give it a whirl this evening. ty

In my test I just added between ReadOnlyContent and DynamicRoutes.


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Easiest and most convenient for me seemed to modify the password.html page.


I hid the 2 forms with css since deleting them completely would brake the page.

/*Hide Change Password on password page*/
form.updatePasswordForm.passwordSection.userProfileSettingsForm.auto-center.padded-top {
  display: none; 
/*Hide Local Network Access*/
form.localAccessForm.localAccessSection.auto-center {
  display: none; 

And inserted my external webpage with the following in the password.html page

<embed type="text/html" src="https://***.***.***/" width="800" height="900">

Only thing left to do is to align the css of the ssp a bit more with the emby one!

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1 hour ago, Eigeplackter said:

Question from the newbie fraction, in which folder can I find the settings.html ?


Depends on how you deployed your emby.

Am using the linuxserver.io image and then it's in

Edited by ziggyds
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Ah found it.

For Synology it is located under:


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