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Tmdb helper player request


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Tmdb player does use library too. Just my collection is way too big to sync with android boxes.

Even with syncing,  I would say tmdb helper would be a necessary to make menus and widgets with.

Embys menus leaves alot to be desired. Menus like trending, popular,  now airing, in theathers,  etc are great to have when setting up the skin to help create a better experience then emby applications.

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5 hours ago, anontv said:

Here is the player for embycon https://github.com/a4k-openproject/json.openplayers/blob/master/embycon.json


So you can get a better idea

Yes, I have reviewed embycon json. No completly sure how the json is structured. Embycons json is relatively complex with redundancies? However, I also had a look on some other examples which are simpler  e.g. https://github.com/a4k-openproject/json.openplayers/blob/master/direct.shadow.json

Looks, the json just defines the playback command of the plugin.

I'll put it on the 8.x feature list (long term). If you are willing doing the json work for tmdb player (reading documentation and testing etc -> this is actually the most work), I can support you from next-gen plugin side. e.g. if you define in json, you need some sort of playback command with XYZ parameters, I can add them in the event handler of next-gen.


Edited by quickmic
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