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kodi addin issues since server upgraded to

Go to solution Solved by Peakay,

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Possibly complete coincidence, however the day that Emby server updated to v4.7.8.0, I started having issues with the Kodi add-ins. 
I was using Emby next gen, but sync stopped working and I wasn't seeing any new videos. 

I uninstalled and reinstalled next gen, however I was now unable to detect the server (located on the same machine).  I added it manually, but then it prompted for a username and password which I don't use.  I added the username of one of the 4 profiles with no password. this got me in, however now every time I want to change user, I have to manually type in the username with no password.  prior to the upgrade, I just chose the user from a list. 

I uninstalled Emby next gen and installed Emby connect, it behaves exactly the same now.  

as both add-ins display the same behaviour and the issues appeared the same day as the server upgrade, I thought I should start here.  I read the "how to post" and it does mention log files, but not which log files.  Let me know which logs are required if any.  


Edited by Peakay
just fixing a copy paste problem
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hi, never mind, thanks for looking.  it's not you, it's me. choosing to use IP rather than hostname appears to have resolved this.  i did put a new router in around a month ago.  I'm thinking that i likely had something configured there but the emby server had the settings and was ok till it upgraded.  I have static IP configured for my media center on the router.  i will look into settings on router to see if anything further required there to allow resolving of hostname.  

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