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Unable to connect remotely on any device


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I have started a similar topic on the matter about a year ago when I was even less knowledgeable about the necessary steps I should take, so I am now trying again, this time determined to solve this issue for good and enjoy Emby's services to their fullest potential. 

As the title suggests, I am unable to connect remotely on any of my devices (smartphone, smart TV) besides my PC. I have already looked at the connection troubleshooter provided here very thoroughly and I will list every step I took below: 

  • Forwarded ports 8096 and 8920 
  • Allowed said ports through Windows Firewall 
  • Checked if my remote access provided by Emby matches the one on canyouseeme.org (it does) -- yet it still does not see the port 

It is worth noting that my ISP provides dynamic IPs which I suspect may have something to do with it. 

I would appreciate any pointers or help on the matter!

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Correction: I am not able to get neither LAN or WAN access 

It's as if my other devices don't recognize my PC's existence.

As a result of that, I began to think about what's different between my PC and my other devices, and I realized my PC is connected to the router through an Ethernet cable whereas my other devices are connected through standard Wi-Fi. Perhaps that has something to do with it? 

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Maybe your router has wi-fi set up as a separate "guest" subnet that cannot access your main subnet that the ethernet port is in.


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That is certainly possible. 

On PC, my wi-fi network appears under the name "Network", whereas on all my other devices it shows up under the actual name I've assigned it. 

How would I go about having my PC access the main subnet so that it could be on the same wavelength as everything else? 

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It probably means poking around in the router settings to find it.  If you can give the router type someone (probably not me!) might have some hints.


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First connect locally before you worry about remote.  If nothing can connect locally, you've got a local system firewall issue.  Disable Windows Firewall and see if this fixes it.  If so, you haven't configured the exceptions correctly.  No one is going to be able to help without more detailed info.

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14 hours ago, pwhodges said:

It probably means poking around in the router settings to find it.  If you can give the router type someone (probably not me!) might have some hints.


It appears to be a Digi FiberHome AN5506. 

If anyone has any info about it, do let me know. 

8 minutes ago, moviefan said:

First connect locally before you worry about remote.  If nothing can connect locally, you've got a local system firewall issue.  Disable Windows Firewall and see if this fixes it.  If so, you haven't configured the exceptions correctly.  No one is going to be able to help without more detailed info.

I turned off Windows Firewall and I was still unable to connect. 

Even with the Firewall turned off, canyouseeme.org cannot see my opened ports. 


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10 hours ago, RyuToken said:

I turned off Windows Firewall and I was still unable to connect. 

Even with the Firewall turned off, canyouseeme.org cannot see my opened ports.

Don't try canyouseeme.  This is testing external access.  Get internal access working first.  If Emby is turned on and the firewall is off, you should be able to connect.  If not, then one of those two things is not true.

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On 9/6/2022 at 11:16 PM, RyuToken said:

Correction: I am not able to get neither LAN or WAN access 

Yes if you are unable to connect via LAN then no need to trouble shot WAN.

Can you post a server log after restarting Emby.

Are all devices withing the same IP range or is the network segregated as Paul eluded too above?

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19 hours ago, Cefn Canol said:

Not an expert but first check 




Checked it. 

11 hours ago, Luke said:

@RyuToken I would suggest taking a look at our connection troubleshooter:


Please try the steps listed there and let us know which ones succeed and which ones do not. Thanks !

I have tried every step listed and nothing seemed to work.

It's always the same "Connection Failure - We're unable to connect to the selected server right now, Please ensure its running and try again." message. 

11 hours ago, moviefan said:

Don't try canyouseeme.  This is testing external access.  Get internal access working first.  If Emby is turned on and the firewall is off, you should be able to connect.  If not, then one of those two things is not true.


It's clearly turned off and the server is running.

5 hours ago, Happy2Play said:

Yes if you are unable to connect via LAN then no need to trouble shot WAN.

Can you post a server log after restarting Emby.

Are all devices withing the same IP range or is the network segregated as Paul eluded too above?

I would imagine all devices are within the same IP range.

Here is the log: 


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"I would imagine all devices are within the same IP range."

Imagining doesn't help.  Check the IP addresses (and masks) of the devices that can't communicate and check whether they actually are.


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