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Transcoding Directory not purging


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Howdy emby family!


Lately I've been thinking about changing my Transcoding Temp Directory from my Raid 0 SSD's over to a RAM Drive. I have about 60GB I can use as a RAM Disk. Instead of wearing out my SSDs, thought this would be a smarter option.

What concerns me is, I've noticed my Transcoding folder can sometimes reach upwards of 100GB if I dont restart emby for a long time. 

Shouldn't emby purge once users are done with a video file? Figured I'd ask here about this before I switch over and cause a problem. I'd imagine if emby just filled the tiny Ram Disk, all playback would cease until an emby restart.


Thanks in advance everyone! 

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5 minutes ago, nagetech said:

Shouldn't emby purge once users are done with a video file?

Normally yes, but there are clients like the Roku that if you use the Home button instead of the back arrow will leave the session behind and the only way to clear abandoned session data is restarting Emby.  Unless you take matters into your own hands like some others and script clear media a day old.

8 minutes ago, nagetech said:

I'd imagine if emby just filled the tiny Ram Disk, all playback would cease until an emby restart.

Technically no as the new method monitors size and automatically dumps old segments.

  • Clean HLS segments during playback when disk space is low
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So if I'm understanding you right, if I switch over to the Ram Disk, and Emby fills it up, it will start proactively cleaning up ?


What version of Emby is that support baked into? 


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Just now, nagetech said:

So if I'm understanding you right, if I switch over to the Ram Disk, and Emby fills it up, it will start proactively cleaning up ?


What version of Emby is that support baked into? 


That is in 4.7+, but yes you could still have abandoned session depending on the reason it got abandoned.  But a new session will monitor space and clean up as it goes within that limited space.

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Perfect Thank you for that!


As soon as I have time I'll switch over to the 60GB Ramdisk and not worry about it. Glad Emby can manage that, was worried I'd either have to give up on the idea or buy a boatload more RAM! 

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10 hours ago, Happy2Play said:

clients like the Roku that if you use the Home button instead of the back arrow will leave the session behind and the only way to clear abandoned session data is restarting Emby

Hi.  The above should no longer be the case.  The server should clean that up within a minute or two.

The one situation that may still be an issue is when you try to tune to a live channel and you back out of it before it starts playing.  In that case, it may be possible for the session to get stranded.

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Just to confirm then, if I setup a 60GB RAM Disk, and point emby to it as the transcode directory, I won't have to worry about it running out of space as Emby should be tidying up.

I don't use any Live TV Functions, unless the Virtual TV Plugin Counts in some way?

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5 hours ago, nagetech said:

I don't use any Live TV Functions, unless the Virtual TV Plugin Counts in some way?

Only if you use "Continous Playback". Then what ebr said about live tv is still true.

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As mentioned in the original post, the whole reason I want to use the RAMdisk is to free up the SSD's I'm using for another purpose. That and I felt just having an SSD for transcoding was just wasting the drive as all I did was wear it out :)

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Has this been improved upon in 4.7?


I tried this when it was released and it still had issues , for example if a second user started a stream it would fail as the disk space was already low.


Still think it would be better if we were allowed to control the cleanup so it could work more closely to how Plex does it. 

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1 hour ago, chris0101 said:

Has this been improved upon in 4.7?


I tried this when it was released and it still had issues , for example if a second user started a stream it would fail as the disk space was already low.


Still think it would be better if we were allowed to control the cleanup so it could work more closely to how Plex does it. 

Hi, yes it has been improved in 4.7. 

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On 11/08/2022 at 17:10, Luke said:

Hi, yes it has been improved in 4.7. 

Seems i'm still having the issue where my 4gb ramdisk gets filled with 1 movie transcoding, if only that one movie is playing thats fine, it very slowly deletes previous chunks and replaces with new ones

the problem occurs when / if someone else starts streaming at the same time, there stream just hangs 

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Thanks for your input @chris0101

I am running my Ram Drive on 60GB and so far haven't had an issue with it filling up. It has only been a few days so far though.

I'm sure @Luke will keep an eye on things and adjust emby as needed.


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27 minutes ago, chris0101 said:

Seems i'm still having the issue where my 4gb ramdisk gets filled with 1 movie transcoding, if only that one movie is playing thats fine, it very slowly deletes previous chunks and replaces with new ones

the problem occurs when / if someone else starts streaming at the same time, there stream just hangs 

Right, the chunk deletion during playback is something that we introduced relatively recently and will continue to keep improving on.

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