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File playback error on android TV

Go to solution Solved by rusty_nail,

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Gday all,

i have recently purchased an Android TV. Turns out the TV doesnt natively support the MKV filetype. i have been streaming through Chromecast, Chromecast TV and the Emby app for sometime with great success but i am having trouble with media playback on this new TV. ive had a look through the forum for pointers but cant quite figure it out. the details are as follows:

Android TV on local network, will not playback MKV files. Emby does not recognise the need to transcode and attempts direct playback. playback then fails. i am able to play the file fine on all other devices.

i have attached the log of a recent attempt.

i have also recently updated my system to newer hardware hoping this would make a difference however it has not.

if anyone could point me in the direction of what i have missed it would be greatly appreciated!




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so through the sideloaded emby arm version, these are the results. still no playback. i tried the same file, with no success. however i tried a file from a different TV show and, although it was also MKV it was successful in playing. the logs produced are different to my earlier log.


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side note, this issue was occuring with the same file prior to upgrading my system. new graphics card is geforce 3050, old one was rxvega64 however after examining the forum i felt like a starting point would be to change from AMD to Nvidia as most active forum members suggested amd was lacking when it came to AMF and nvidia just decoded better

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one other thing i have tried since your post is i have been able to chromecast the file and playback is fine. if i chromecast to the emby for android tv app or the sideloaded emby for android playback still does not occur. it does not produce any logs when i attempt playback in this manner.

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Ok done some more looking into it. Seems like it's related to the audio codec. Is there a way I can force transcoding for files with aac codecs? Even better, for Particular devices? I've had a search for people with similar problems but haven't found anything too similar.


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  • Solution

Hi again guys,

Please close the thread, I've figured it out. Being new to Android tv I wasn't aware settings could be changed in the actual app, was just looking in the back end. I've enabled downmix to stereo in the settings and it's all working. No thanks to other threads. Cheers!

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Hi.  Did you change the audio settings in the Android system on the TV itself?  It sounds like maybe they are set improperly.

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19 hours ago, ebr said:

Hi.  Did you change the audio settings in the Android system on the TV itself?  It sounds like maybe they are set improperly.

Hi ebr,


Sorry this wasn't the problem. The auto function is not working as it's supposed to within either emby app. I was able to replicate the error simply by ensuring tv was set correctly to stereo downmix, then re-enable auto audio within emby app. See attached options in pics. You may also like to check the stats for nerds I have included.

Set manually to stereo in emby20220801_195159.thumb.jpg.f19d359e917c8ae2f1c4b559df4f10f4.jpg

Set to auto in emby






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17 hours ago, ebr said:

Hi.  What options are under "Digital Output" in that menu?

Hi, see attached pics for both audio menu options from tv.



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Okay, can you try setting that "Digital Output" setting to the other options and see how that affects the issue?  The device must be reporting support that isn't correct.  Sometimes the "auto" there can be fooled.

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I have the same problem. On my server transcoding is off and then I can't play avi. Files (divx) with MP3 (stereo) if I have set the FireTV Stick to Auto and no matter which setting I select on the TV. As soon as I select stereo in Emby on the FireTV Stick, it works. Only then is all media in stereo. In my opinion the following is missing

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2 hours ago, Seger said:

On my server transcoding is off

Hi.  That would not be the same problem then.  Your issue is the fact that you disabled a necessary function for the system to work seamlessly.  Please see the help text under the options you disabled.

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32 minutes ago, ebr said:

Hallo. Das wäre dann nicht das gleiche Problem. Ihr Problem ist die Tatsache, dass Sie eine notwendige Funktion deaktiviert haben, damit das System nahtlos funktioniert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Hilfetext unter den Optionen, die Sie deaktiviert haben.

Do I understand correctly that the old format cannot be played directly without transcoding? You can't just transcode audio. If I transcode, my server goes down.

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7 minutes ago, Seger said:

Do I understand correctly that the old format cannot be played directly without transcoding? You can't just transcode audio.

Sometimes it can but that depends on the exact situation.

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11 hours ago, ebr said:

Okay, can you try setting that "Digital Output" setting to the other options and see how that affects the issue?  The device must be reporting support that isn't correct.  Sometimes the "auto" there can be fooled.

Will do tonight and post up the results

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19 hours ago, ebr said:

Okay, can you try setting that "Digital Output" setting to the other options and see how that affects the issue?  The device must be reporting support that isn't correct.  Sometimes the "auto" there can be fooled.

Hi, so I have set the emby audio setting back to auto, then gone through the inbuilt digital output options one by one. Unfortunately it failed to play media that then worked after I set the emby setting back to downmix to stereo and left the inbuilt audio option on auto. Is there anything else you would like me to try?

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What is the actual audio equipment involved here?  If it is just TV speakers, then the mix down is what you want anyway.  But, if the TV is reporting capabilities properly, the Auto setting should be doing this already.

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19 hours ago, ebr said:

What is the actual audio equipment involved here?  If it is just TV speakers, then the mix down is what you want anyway.  But, if the TV is reporting capabilities properly, the Auto setting should be doing this already.

No audio equipment on this tv. Just the inbuilt speakers. Are you saying the tv hardware is perhaps incorrectly reporting to emby there is more capability? The two inbuilt option menus don't affect the outcome, the second menu which I have shown is only an effect(surround our stereo). I'm happy with the outcome and my troubleshooting from there was purely to help you identify a problem within emby as it appears the auto setting isn't working as it should in emby for Android tv etc on these TVs. Fyi it's an Aldi branded crappy tv, so I don't have that much faith in the system. If you don't feel the is any fault with emby i'm happy to leave it at that?

Edited by rusty_nail
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5 hours ago, rusty_nail said:

Are you saying the tv hardware is perhaps incorrectly reporting to emby there is more capability?

Yeah, that appears to be the case but you've found the correct solution - which is to set that audio option to mix down to stereo.


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